R Initiative 4
1 Wallets 88,645,119.5
Wallet #
Balance, ISK
1 Wallet [1] 88,645,119.5
office_rental_fee -100,000.0
market_escrow -11,150,700.0
2nd Wallet [2] 0.0
3rd Wallet Production [3] 0.0
4th Wallet [4] 0.0
5th Wallet [5] 0.0
6th Wallet [6] 0.0
7th Wallet Division Dividends and Debt [7] 0.0
Summary 88,645,119.5
OfficeFolder 0.0 0.0
The Forge
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Structures 20,003,724.9 15.0
(no data)
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Ship and Module Modifications rig_slot2 8,678,115.7 5.0 2
Ship and Module Modifications rig_slot0 2,647,493.5 5.0 3
Ship and Module Modifications rig_slot1 8,678,115.7 5.0 Summary 20,003,724.9 15.0
108,648,844.5 15.0
(no data)
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Ship and Module Modifications rig_slot2 8,678,115.7 5.0 2
Ship and Module Modifications rig_slot0 2,647,493.5 5.0 3
Ship and Module Modifications rig_slot1 8,678,115.7 5.0 Summary 20,003,724.9 15.0
The Forge
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
R Strike
1 Wallets 13,319,676,198.0
Wallet #
Balance, ISK
1 Wallet [1] 200,000.0
daily_goal_payouts 5,750,000.0
agent_mission_time_bonus_reward 25,600.0
agent_mission_reward 25,500.0
corporation_account_withdrawal -6,401,100.0
2nd Wallet Division [2] 0.0
3rd Wallet Division N00M [3] 0.0
4th Wallet Division Burk [4] 0.0
5th Wallet Division [5] 0.0
6th Wallet Division [6] 0.0
7th Wallet Division [7] 13,319,476,198.0
market_transaction 83,158,678,489.7
contract_brokers_fee_corp -20,000.0
office_rental_fee -6,223,805.0
brokers_fee -1,639,067,719.6
transaction_tax -1,683,963,239.4
contract_price_payment_corp -4,058,499,990.0
corporation_account_withdrawal -10,705,087,511.3
market_escrow -56,305,059,285.1
Summary 13,319,676,198.0
CorpDeliveries 736,873,540.0 2,489,403.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Ice Products 4,669,968.0 12,036.0 2
Ship Equipment 60,020,864.6 200.0 3
Ships 13,233,408.9 2,000,777.0 8x Badger 5,439,024.9 + 7,794,384.1 2,000,777.0
Summary (Caldari Trading Station ) 77,924,241.5 2,013,013.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Raw Materials 1,856,143.0 130.0 Summary (Caldari Trading Station ) 1,856,143.0 130.0
Deployable Structures 18,343,861.3 260.0 2
Ships 638,749,294.3 476,000.0 1x Sleipnir hull only 365,968,545.4 216,000.0
5x Stork hull only 272,780,748.9 260,000.0
Summary (Amarr Trade Post ) 657,093,155.6 476,260.0
Impounded 406,572,979.3 11,323,588.8
The Forge
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
5th Division [5]
1 Deployable Structures 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0 2 Ice Products 20,458,774.4 52,728.8 3 Ship Equipment 357,173,431.4 1,665.0 4 Ship and Module Modifications 12,501,290.3 695.0 5 Ships 14,596,468.7 1,268,500.0 43x Venture hull only 14,596,468.7 1,268,500.0
Summary (Hangar 5 ) 406,572,979.3 11,323,588.8
Summary (Caldari Trading Station ) 406,572,979.3 11,323,588.8
OfficeFolder 20,378,012,525.1 194,337,150.2
The Forge
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
2nd Division [2]
1 Deployable Structures 20,949,385.0 110,018,000.0 2 Ice Products 347,766,553.6 16,944.7 3 Ship Equipment 1,098,357.7 15.0 4 Ships 2,347,747,038.8 18,501,045.0 1x Providence 2,344,483,376.0 + 3,263,662.9 18,501,045.0
Summary (Hangar 2 ) 2,717,561,335.1 128,536,004.7
5th Division [5]
5 Deployable Structures 7,372,058.3 40,000,000.0 6 Minerals 18,808,003.9 2,611.9 7 Planetary Materials 984,277,746.8 21,723.0 8 Raw Materials 1,155,672,641.4 96,466.8 9 Raw Moon Materials 556,350,190.7 8,920.3 10 Research Equipment 6,154,157.3 8.5 11 Ships 14,163,868,934.1 9,409,289.0 1x Arazu hull only 187,183,238.6 116,000.0
6x Basilisk hull only 1,069,771,625.9 642,000.0
8x Broadsword hull only 2,369,034,079.2 768,000.0
2x Cerberus hull only 378,786,104.7 184,000.0
8x Cheetah hull only 183,827,727.9 139,200.0
5x Crow hull only 113,141,331.5 90,000.0
7x Curse hull only 1,406,166,551.2 840,000.0
1x Damnation hull only 342,718,421.1 234,000.0
2x Deluge hull only 486,331,399.6 400,000.0
18x Endurance hull only 371,776,543.7 900,000.0
5x Huginn hull only 1,001,404,982.6 425,000.0
2x Hulk hull only 549,435,845.6 300,000.0
22x Hyena hull only 470,576,694.3 382,800.0
1x Impel hull only 200,371,944.1 400,000.0
1x Jaguar hull only 27,766,697.0 27,289.0
5x Mackinaw hull only 1,394,831,026.5 750,000.0
9x Pilgrim hull only 1,695,128,250.0 1,080,000.0
2x Pontifex hull only 115,086,221.0 94,000.0
2x Rapier hull only 370,882,208.6 170,000.0
13x Sabre hull only 640,032,034.1 559,000.0
4x Stork hull only 218,224,599.1 208,000.0
2x Torrent hull only 571,391,407.7 700,000.0
Summary (Hangar 5 ) 16,892,503,732.3 49,539,019.5
7th Division [7]
12 Deployable Structures 1,880,582.6 10,001,000.0 Summary (Hangar 7 ) 1,880,582.6 10,001,000.0
Summary (Jita Trade Hub ) 19,611,945,650.0 188,076,024.2
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
1st Division [1]
1 Deployable Structures 59,899.6 4,000,000.0 2 Ice Products 3,880,000.0 10,000.0 3 Ships 8,244,566.2 250,185.0 1x Badger 679,878.1 + 7,564,688.1 250,185.0
Summary (Hangar 1 ) 12,184,465.8 4,260,185.0
4th Div Burenka [4]
4 Deployable Structures 29,949.8 2,000,000.0 5 Molecular-Forging Tools 753,852,459.5 941.0 Summary (Hangar 4 ) 753,882,409.3 2,000,941.0
Summary (Caldari Administrative Station ) 766,066,875.0 6,261,126.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
34,841,135,242.5 208,150,141.9
The Forge
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
5th Division [5]
1 Deployable Structures impounded 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0 2 Ice Products impounded 20,458,774.4 52,728.8 3 Ship Equipment impounded 357,173,431.4 1,665.0 4 Ship and Module Modifications impounded 12,501,290.3 695.0 5 Ships impounded 14,596,468.7 1,268,500.0 43x Venture hull only 14,596,468.7 1,268,500.0
Summary (Hangar 5 ) 406,572,979.3 11,323,588.8
Summary (Caldari Trading Station ) 406,572,979.3 11,323,588.8
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
2nd Division [2]
1 Deployable Structures office_folder 20,949,385.0 110,018,000.0 2 Ice Products office_folder 347,766,553.6 16,944.7 3 Ship Equipment office_folder 1,098,357.7 15.0 4 Ships office_folder 2,347,747,038.8 18,501,045.0 1x Providence 2,344,483,376.0 + 3,263,662.9 18,501,045.0
Summary (Hangar 2 ) 2,717,561,335.1 128,536,004.7
5th Division [5]
5 Deployable Structures office_folder 7,372,058.3 40,000,000.0 6 Minerals office_folder 18,808,003.9 2,611.9 7 Planetary Materials office_folder 984,277,746.8 21,723.0 8 Raw Materials office_folder 1,155,672,641.4 96,466.8 9 Raw Moon Materials office_folder 556,350,190.7 8,920.3 10 Research Equipment office_folder 6,154,157.3 8.5 11 Ships office_folder 14,163,868,934.1 9,409,289.0 1x Arazu hull only 187,183,238.6 116,000.0
6x Basilisk hull only 1,069,771,625.9 642,000.0
8x Broadsword hull only 2,369,034,079.2 768,000.0
2x Cerberus hull only 378,786,104.7 184,000.0
8x Cheetah hull only 183,827,727.9 139,200.0
5x Crow hull only 113,141,331.5 90,000.0
7x Curse hull only 1,406,166,551.2 840,000.0
1x Damnation hull only 342,718,421.1 234,000.0
2x Deluge hull only 486,331,399.6 400,000.0
18x Endurance hull only 371,776,543.7 900,000.0
5x Huginn hull only 1,001,404,982.6 425,000.0
2x Hulk hull only 549,435,845.6 300,000.0
22x Hyena hull only 470,576,694.3 382,800.0
1x Impel hull only 200,371,944.1 400,000.0
1x Jaguar hull only 27,766,697.0 27,289.0
5x Mackinaw hull only 1,394,831,026.5 750,000.0
9x Pilgrim hull only 1,695,128,250.0 1,080,000.0
2x Pontifex hull only 115,086,221.0 94,000.0
2x Rapier hull only 370,882,208.6 170,000.0
13x Sabre hull only 640,032,034.1 559,000.0
4x Stork hull only 218,224,599.1 208,000.0
2x Torrent hull only 571,391,407.7 700,000.0
Summary (Hangar 5 ) 16,892,503,732.3 49,539,019.5
7th Division [7]
12 Deployable Structures office_folder 1,880,582.6 10,001,000.0 Summary (Hangar 7 ) 1,880,582.6 10,001,000.0
Summary (Jita Trade Hub ) 19,611,945,650.0 188,076,024.2
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
1st Division [1]
1 Deployable Structures office_folder 59,899.6 4,000,000.0 2 Ice Products office_folder 3,880,000.0 10,000.0 3 Ships office_folder 8,244,566.2 250,185.0 1x Badger 679,878.1 + 7,564,688.1 250,185.0
Summary (Hangar 1 ) 12,184,465.8 4,260,185.0
4th Div Burenka [4]
4 Deployable Structures office_folder 29,949.8 2,000,000.0 5 Molecular-Forging Tools office_folder 753,852,459.5 941.0 Summary (Hangar 4 ) 753,882,409.3 2,000,941.0
Summary (Caldari Administrative Station ) 766,066,875.0 6,261,126.0 Blueprints & Reactions blueprints_reactions 785,000,000.0 0.6
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Ice Products corp_deliveries 4,669,968.0 12,036.0 2
Ship Equipment corp_deliveries 60,020,864.6 200.0 3
Ships corp_deliveries 13,233,408.9 2,000,777.0 8x Badger 5,439,024.9 + 7,794,384.1 2,000,777.0
Summary (Caldari Trading Station ) 77,924,241.5 2,013,013.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Raw Materials corp_deliveries 1,856,143.0 130.0 Summary (Caldari Trading Station ) 1,856,143.0 130.0
Deployable Structures corp_deliveries 18,343,861.3 260.0 2
Ships corp_deliveries 638,749,294.3 476,000.0 1x Sleipnir hull only 365,968,545.4 216,000.0
5x Stork hull only 272,780,748.9 260,000.0
Summary (Amarr Trade Post ) 657,093,155.6 476,260.0
BlueprintsReactions 785,000,000.0 0.6
The Forge
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Blueprints & Reactions 785,000,000.0 0.6
R Industry
1 Wallets 4,174,496,793.3
Wallet #
Balance, ISK
1 Wallet [1] 3,006,440,240.8
market_transaction 40,623,445,475.8
player_donation 4,655,000,000.0
corporation_account_withdrawal 2,251,861,145.5
contract_reward 137,000,000.0
bounty_prizes 34,482,877.7
ess_escrow_transfer 23,065,961.2
daily_goal_payouts 20,850,000.0
industry_job_tax 10,728,793.0
project_discovery_reward 1,752,300.0
agent_mission_time_bonus_reward 225,200.0
agent_mission_reward 209,175.0
reprocessing_tax 0.0
contract_brokers_fee_corp -20,000.0
researching_time_productivity -45,164.0
researching_material_productivity -11,078,410.0
office_rental_fee -20,100,000.0
copying -24,144,680.0
researching_technology -165,412,300.0
market_provider_tax -180,932,298.2
brokers_fee -542,796,894.5
transaction_tax -827,108,629.4
reaction -1,050,934,467.0
market_escrow -1,723,274,812.8
manufacturing -7,397,897,562.0
contract_price_payment_corp -37,701,699,347.0
2nd Wallet Division [2] 0.1
3rd Wallet Division [3] 1,168,056,552.4
corporation_account_withdrawal 11,100,000,000.0
player_donation 1,999,900,000.0
researching_time_productivity -345,560.0
copying -2,460,507.0
researching_material_productivity -12,573,069.0
researching_technology -99,805,581.0
reaction -1,712,152,841.0
manufacturing -12,651,905,162.0
4th Wallet Division [4] 0.0
5th Wallet Division [5] 0.0
6th Wallet Division [6] 0.0
7th Wallet Division [7] 0.0
corporation_account_withdrawal 0.0
Summary 4,174,496,793.3
AssetSafety 595,114,557.9 3,448,203.4
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
1 General [1]
1 Ice Products 294,031,889.9 34,941.6 2 Ship Equipment 22,601,291.2 150.0 3 Ship and Module Modifications 2,428,308.2 135.0 4 Ships 5,438,052.3 1,809,000.0 7x Badger hull only 4,759,146.8 1,750,000.0
2x Venture hull only 678,905.5 59,000.0
Summary (Hangar 1 ) 324,499,541.5 1,844,226.6
Summary (Caldari Food Processing Plant Station ) 324,499,541.5 1,844,226.6
(no data)
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
1 General [1]
1 Ice Products 193,438,338.4 47,056.8 2 Ship Equipment 38,034,937.8 255.0 3 Ship and Module Modifications 2,248,433.5 125.0 4 Ships 36,893,306.6 1,556,540.0 4x Badger hull only 2,719,512.4 1,000,000.0
1x Sunesis hull only 20,714,383.4 55,000.0
17x Venture 5,770,696.9 + 7,688,713.9 501,540.0
Summary (Hangar 1 ) 270,615,016.4 1,603,976.8
Summary 270,615,016.4 1,603,976.8
Cargo 232,237,961.3 8,343.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Ammunition & Charges 16,958,413.5 604.0 Summary (Athanor ) 16,958,413.5 604.0
Ammunition & Charges 16,958,413.5 604.0 Summary (Athanor ) 16,958,413.5 604.0
Ammunition & Charges 16,958,413.5 604.0 Summary (Athanor ) 16,958,413.5 604.0
Ammunition & Charges 16,958,413.5 604.0 Summary (Athanor ) 16,958,413.5 604.0
Ammunition & Charges 16,958,413.5 604.0 Summary (Athanor ) 16,958,413.5 604.0
Ammunition & Charges 80,265,662.1 2,932.0 Summary (Tatara ) 80,265,662.1 2,932.0
Ammunition & Charges 16,304,991.0 579.0 Summary (Athanor ) 16,304,991.0 579.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Ammunition & Charges 16,958,413.5 604.0 Summary (Athanor ) 16,958,413.5 604.0
Ammunition & Charges 16,958,413.5 604.0 Summary (Athanor ) 16,958,413.5 604.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Ammunition & Charges 16,958,413.5 604.0 Summary (Athanor ) 16,958,413.5 604.0
CorpDeliveries 10,523,838,670.5 3,211,041.1
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Planetary Materials 6,970,384,784.3 166,110.0 Summary (Fortizar ) 6,970,384,784.3 166,110.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Planetary Materials 29,314,505.0 6,984.0 2
Ship Equipment 76,575,591.8 4,000.0 Summary (Keepstar ) 105,890,096.8 10,984.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Ships 82,266,700.0 202,000.0 2x Gnosis hull only 82,266,700.0 202,000.0
Summary (Keepstar ) 82,266,700.0 202,000.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Ship Equipment 368,384,650.8 10,645.0 Summary (Sisters of EVE Logistics Station ) 368,384,650.8 10,645.0
Perrigen Falls
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Salvage Materials 412,983.5 7.1 2
Ship Equipment 453,945,678.4 6,495.0 3
Ships 2,542,553,776.6 2,814,800.0 4x Deacon hull only 98,882,454.1 114,800.0
3x Deluge hull only 729,497,099.5 600,000.0
6x Torrent hull only 1,714,174,223.0 2,100,000.0
Summary (Keepstar ) 2,996,912,438.5 2,821,302.1
FighterBay 311,576,426.8 45,600.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Drones 311,576,426.8 45,600.0 Summary (Tatara ) 311,576,426.8 45,600.0
FighterTube 37,158,576.3 5,600.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Drones fighter_tube1 13,824,795.6 2,000.0 2
Drones fighter_tube2 7,616,920.0 1,600.0 3
Drones fighter_tube0 15,716,860.7 2,000.0 Summary (Tatara ) 37,158,576.3 5,600.0
HiSlot 960,541,384.6 120,000.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Structure Equipment hi_slot0 49,919,753.4 4,000.0 2
Structure Equipment hi_slot1 40,167,149.3 8,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 90,086,902.7 12,000.0
Structure Equipment hi_slot0 49,919,753.4 4,000.0 2
Structure Equipment hi_slot1 40,167,149.3 8,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 90,086,902.7 12,000.0
Structure Equipment hi_slot0 49,919,753.4 4,000.0 2
Structure Equipment hi_slot1 40,167,149.3 8,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 90,086,902.7 12,000.0
Structure Equipment hi_slot0 49,919,753.4 4,000.0 2
Structure Equipment hi_slot1 40,167,149.3 8,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 90,086,902.7 12,000.0
Structure Equipment hi_slot0 49,919,753.4 4,000.0 2
Structure Equipment hi_slot1 40,167,149.3 8,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 90,086,902.7 12,000.0
Structure Equipment hi_slot0 49,919,753.4 4,000.0 2
Structure Equipment hi_slot1 49,919,753.4 4,000.0 3
Structure Equipment hi_slot2 49,919,753.4 4,000.0 Summary (Tatara ) 149,759,260.2 12,000.0
Structure Equipment hi_slot1 40,167,149.3 8,000.0 2
Structure Equipment hi_slot0 49,919,753.4 4,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 90,086,902.7 12,000.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Structure Equipment hi_slot0 49,919,753.4 4,000.0 2
Structure Equipment hi_slot1 40,167,149.3 8,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 90,086,902.7 12,000.0
Structure Equipment hi_slot1 40,167,149.3 8,000.0 2
Structure Equipment hi_slot0 49,919,753.4 4,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 90,086,902.7 12,000.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Structure Equipment hi_slot0 49,919,753.4 4,000.0 2
Structure Equipment hi_slot1 40,167,149.3 8,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 90,086,902.7 12,000.0
Impounded 2,986,637,789.7 14,785,457.6
The Forge
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
1 General [1]
1 Deployable Structures 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0 2 Ice Products 2,787,137,724.4 328,187.6 3 Ship Equipment 181,564,457.4 650.0 4 Ship and Module Modifications 2,158,496.2 120.0 5 Ships 13,934,097.2 4,456,500.0 17x Badger hull only 11,557,927.9 4,250,000.0
7x Venture hull only 2,376,169.3 206,500.0
Summary (Hangar 1 ) 2,986,637,789.7 14,785,457.6
Summary (Caldari Trading Station ) 2,986,637,789.7 14,785,457.6
LoSlot 317,627,677.0 48,000.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Structure Equipment lo_slot0 10,863,036.1 4,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 10,863,036.1 4,000.0
Structure Equipment lo_slot0 10,863,036.1 4,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 10,863,036.1 4,000.0
Structure Equipment lo_slot0 10,863,036.1 4,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 10,863,036.1 4,000.0
Structure Equipment lo_slot0 10,863,036.1 4,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 10,863,036.1 4,000.0
Structure Equipment lo_slot0 10,863,036.1 4,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 10,863,036.1 4,000.0
Structure Equipment lo_slot1 73,286,784.1 4,000.0 2
Structure Equipment lo_slot0 73,286,784.1 4,000.0 3
Structure Equipment lo_slot2 73,286,784.1 4,000.0 Summary (Tatara ) 219,860,352.4 12,000.0
Structure Equipment lo_slot0 10,863,036.1 4,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 10,863,036.1 4,000.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Structure Equipment lo_slot0 10,863,036.1 4,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 10,863,036.1 4,000.0
Structure Equipment lo_slot0 10,863,036.1 4,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 10,863,036.1 4,000.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Structure Equipment lo_slot0 10,863,036.1 4,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 10,863,036.1 4,000.0
MedSlot 689,552,549.1 124,001.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Structure Equipment med_slot2 14,585,858.6 4,000.0 2
Structure Equipment med_slot0 29,706,092.5 4,000.0 3
Structure Equipment med_slot1 20,764,788.4 4,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 65,056,739.5 12,000.0
Structure Equipment med_slot1 20,764,788.4 4,000.0 2
Structure Equipment med_slot0 29,706,092.5 4,000.0 3
Structure Equipment med_slot2 14,585,858.6 4,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 65,056,739.5 12,000.0
Structure Equipment med_slot1 20,764,788.4 4,000.0 2
Structure Equipment med_slot0 29,706,092.5 4,000.0 3
Structure Equipment med_slot2 14,585,858.6 4,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 65,056,739.5 12,000.0
Structure Equipment med_slot0 29,706,092.5 4,000.0 2
Structure Equipment med_slot1 20,764,788.4 4,000.0 3
Structure Equipment med_slot2 14,585,858.6 4,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 65,056,739.5 12,000.0
Structure Equipment med_slot0 29,706,092.5 4,000.0 2
Structure Equipment med_slot1 20,764,788.4 4,000.0 3
Structure Equipment med_slot2 14,585,858.6 4,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 65,056,739.5 12,000.0
Ammunition & Charges med_slot0 1,224,187.4 1.0 2
Structure Equipment med_slot0 31,582,036.7 4,000.0 3
Structure Equipment med_slot3 20,764,788.4 4,000.0 4
Structure Equipment med_slot1 29,706,092.5 4,000.0 5
Structure Equipment med_slot2 20,764,788.4 4,000.0 Summary (Tatara ) 104,041,893.4 16,001.0
Structure Equipment med_slot1 20,764,788.4 4,000.0 2
Structure Equipment med_slot0 29,706,092.5 4,000.0 3
Structure Equipment med_slot2 14,585,858.6 4,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 65,056,739.5 12,000.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Structure Equipment med_slot1 20,764,788.4 4,000.0 2
Structure Equipment med_slot2 14,585,858.6 4,000.0 3
Structure Equipment med_slot0 29,706,092.5 4,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 65,056,739.5 12,000.0
Structure Equipment med_slot0 29,706,092.5 4,000.0 2
Structure Equipment med_slot2 14,585,858.6 4,000.0 3
Structure Equipment med_slot1 20,764,788.4 4,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 65,056,739.5 12,000.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Structure Equipment med_slot0 14,585,858.6 4,000.0 2
Structure Equipment med_slot1 29,706,092.5 4,000.0 3
Structure Equipment med_slot2 20,764,788.4 4,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 65,056,739.5 12,000.0
OfficeFolder 1,285,458,039,286.2 2,532,800,104.8
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
1 General [1]
1 Ammunition & Charges 73,570,994.0 786.0 2 Deployable Structures 37,375,524.1 156,250,050.0 3 Ships 989,497,131.3 2,252,900.1 11x Covetor 622,983,699.0 + 134,854,945.5 1,652,755.1
4x Procurer 220,212,563.4 + 11,445,923.4 600,145.0
Summary (Hangar 1 ) 1,100,443,649.4 158,503,736.1
2 Personal and regroup [2]
4 Deployable Structures 6,014,684.2 32,250,000.0 5 Ship Equipment 316,455,014.9 10.0 6 Ships 8,455,227,522.9 22,566,668.8 3x Hulk 824,153,768.5 + 1,127,436,301.6 450,555.0
1x Kryos 3,075,546.9 + 8,411,312.9 245,155.0
1x Mackinaw 278,966,205.3 + 23,962,496.6 150,115.0
2x Orca 3,861,239,528.8 + 829,070,027.9 20,554,033.8
1x Porpoise 135,616,817.2 + 156,026,930.9 408,652.0
1x Retriever 59,820,775.5 + 12,977,525.5 157,368.0
4x Skiff 972,234,650.4 + 162,235,634.9 600,790.0
Summary (Hangar 2 ) 8,777,697,222.1 54,816,678.8
3 Prod science invention [3]
7 Deployable Structures 3,686,029.1 20,000,000.0 8 Raw Materials 59,473,229.8 20,019.3 Summary (Hangar 3 ) 63,159,258.9 20,020,019.3
4 BPO [4]
9 Deployable Structures 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0 Summary (Hangar 4 ) 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0
5 Transit [5]
10 Advanced Moon Materials 402,380,250.0 34,550.0 11 Deployable Structures 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0 Summary (Hangar 5 ) 404,223,264.6 10,034,550.0
6 Stock [6]
12 Deployable Structures 5,529,043.7 30,000,000.0 13 Fuel Blocks 7,803,429,300.1 1,991,125.0 14 Gas Clouds Materials 5,573,793,083.5 1,052,270.0 15 Processed Moon Materials 68,233,920,133.2 1,261,848.9 Summary (Hangar 6 ) 81,616,671,560.5 34,305,243.9
Summary (Tatara ) 91,964,037,970.1 287,680,228.1
1 General [1]
1 Ammunition & Charges 4,272.0 3.0 2 Deployable Structures 118,590,153.0 500,551,950.0 3 Planetary Infrastructure 190,145,559.1 2,162,000.0 4 Ship Equipment 942,264.4 5.0 5 Ships 56,835,421.0 105,594.0 3x Griffin 1,154,592.8 + 33,898,316.6 58,370.0
1x Venture 339,452.8 + 501,720.7 29,530.0
1x Vigil 301,756.3 + 20,639,581.9 17,694.0
6 Skills 94,725,882.5 8.0 Summary (Hangar 1 ) 461,243,552.0 502,819,560.0
2 Personal and regroup [2]
7 Deployable Structures 16,726,754.7 95,000,000.0 8 Planetary Materials 16,495,316,643.2 4,376,303.6 9 Ships 22,374,703,483.8 82,982,529.8 2x Charon 4,573,827,439.9 + 844,866,100.2 32,500,060.0
5x Epithal 17,306,342.7 + 25,604,918.9 1,250,351.0
1x Gila 205,083,310.5 + 4,261,468,569.1 101,441.8
2x Gnosis 82,266,700.0 + 9,622,785.7 202,250.8
6x Hulk 1,648,307,536.9 + 2,492,129,271.9 901,085.0
2x Miasmos 6,729,783.1 + 8,196,511.6 530,155.0
1x Noctis 136,945,420.4 + 29,366,547.1 270,281.0
2x Obelisk 4,838,196,652.7 + 4,324,452.5 35,100,060.0
1x Orca 1,930,619,764.4 + 268,869,971.7 10,261,744.0
2x Porpoise 271,233,634.3 + 94,521,181.8 809,221.4
2x Praxis 384,639,988.3 + 17,904,512.6 940,875.0
1x Rapier 185,441,104.3 + 28,746,472.6 85,443.0
1x Venture 339,452.8 + 8,145,057.7 29,561.8
Summary (Hangar 2 ) 38,886,746,881.8 182,358,833.4
3 Prod science invention [3]
10 Deployable Structures 38,029,811.1 202,506,100.0 11 Drones 10,507,028.1 100.0 12 Research Equipment 25,835,140,564.1 27,498.1 13 Trade Goods 73,461,057.3 315,574.8 Summary (Hangar 3 ) 25,957,138,460.6 202,849,272.9
4 BPO [4]
14 Deployable Structures 33,160,884.0 20,598,100.0 Summary (Hangar 4 ) 33,160,884.0 20,598,100.0
5 Transit [5]
15 Ammunition & Charges 2,840,799,000.0 1,000.0 16 Deployable Structures 31,455,398.1 125,006,000.0 17 Drones 3,991,424,203.4 185,300.0 18 Molecular-Forged Materials 1,908,163,850.0 24,000.0 19 Molecular-Forging Tools 101,249,427.0 230.0 20 Ship Equipment 12,036,641,671.4 159,025.0 21 Ship and Module Modifications 1,284,280,823.1 340.0 22 Ships 34,030,446,538.9 52,559,528.0 1x Anshar 9,083,831,932.8 + 251,766,357.7 17,562,015.0
6x Basilisk hull only 1,069,771,625.9 642,000.0
10x Bifrost hull only 586,841,537.4 430,000.0
1x Bowhead hull only 2,224,922,619.1 17,550,000.0
2x Cerberus hull only 378,786,104.7 184,000.0
5x Cheetah hull only 114,892,329.9 87,000.0
3x Crow hull only 67,884,798.9 54,000.0
4x Curse hull only 803,523,743.5 480,000.0
16x Deluge hull only 3,890,651,197.1 3,200,000.0
2x Harpy hull only 58,623,427.7 33,000.0
3x Huginn hull only 600,842,989.6 255,000.0
3x Hulk hull only 824,153,768.5 450,000.0
17x Jaguar hull only 472,033,849.3 463,913.0
5x Mackinaw hull only 1,394,831,026.5 750,000.0
28x Manticore hull only 717,166,124.4 786,800.0
8x Nemesis hull only 175,583,505.8 224,800.0
1x Nighthawk hull only 362,173,366.2 252,000.0
1x Praxis hull only 192,319,994.2 470,000.0
1x Prowler hull only 132,179,704.8 180,000.0
4x Rapier hull only 741,764,417.2 340,000.0
2x Rook hull only 386,381,909.5 192,000.0
82x Sabre hull only 4,037,125,138.0 3,526,000.0
2x Sin hull only 2,145,735,191.6 909,000.0
3x Sleipnir hull only 1,097,905,636.3 648,000.0
5x Torrent hull only 1,428,478,519.2 1,750,000.0
6x Viator hull only 790,275,723.1 1,140,000.0
23 Sovereignty Structures 4,243,065,454.5 240,000.0 Summary (Hangar 5 ) 60,467,526,366.4 178,175,423.0
6 Stock [6]
24 Advanced Capital Components 33,613,835,982.0 97,310.0 25 Advanced Components 118,593,183,059.1 3,021,631.0 26 Advanced Moon Materials 3,699,442,481.8 35,274.8 27 Advanced Protective Technology 786,325,885.8 25.7 28 Ammunition & Charges 1,299,856,490.7 21,657.6 29 Colony Reagents 1,880,948,656.7 14,288.2 30 Deployable Structures 60,547,060.9 170,001,300.0 31 Drones 729,037,109.8 115,910.0 32 Faction Materials 710,557,708.7 416.2 33 Fuel Blocks 10,822,324,558.6 2,804,620.0 34 Ice Products 7,053,964,446.0 851,861.6 35 Minerals 71,907,459,585.6 21,512,260.8 36 Molecular-Forged Materials 10,215,121,180.6 203,940.0 37 Named Components 4,042,014.6 2.0 38 Planetary Materials 104,133,538,972.4 4,877,170.3 39 Polymer Materials 28,176,767,782.6 467,338.2 40 Protective Components 21,504,976,030.8 3,952,064.0 41 R.A.M. 853,460,449.5 42,882.7 42 Raw Materials 33,089,496.6 168.7 43 Salvage Materials 15,433,175,096.2 14,544.4 44 Ship Equipment 23,196,607,074.2 1,767,170.0 45 Ships 51,513,054,489.4 333,407,682.0 36x Algos hull only 55,846,950.5 1,980,000.0
10x Apocalypse hull only 3,272,651,821.9 4,700,000.0
171x Arbitrator hull only 1,832,195,818.5 20,520,000.0
13x Armageddon hull only 4,365,387,064.7 6,110,000.0
25x Atron hull only 13,034,025.0 562,500.0
4x Augoror hull only 44,047,724.4 460,000.0
57x Badger hull only 38,753,052.3 14,250,000.0
60x Bantam hull only 7,098,962.4 1,200,000.0
106x Bellicose hull only 1,480,380,015.2 9,010,000.0
26x Bestower hull only 82,262,920.7 6,760,000.0
44x Blackbird hull only 456,713,344.6 4,224,000.0
40x Burst hull only 7,746,778.0 684,000.0
34x Caracal hull only 448,248,018.5 3,128,000.0
1x Catalyst hull only 1,211,371.3 55,000.0
51x Celestis hull only 547,501,846.8 5,916,000.0
196x Condor hull only 103,115,402.0 3,528,000.0
186x Corax hull only 233,532,911.9 9,672,000.0
29x Covetor hull only 1,642,411,570.2 4,350,000.0
28x Dominix hull only 9,101,778,238.3 12,726,000.0
24x Dragoon hull only 40,605,009.4 1,128,000.0
5x Drake hull only 280,938,484.1 1,260,000.0
43x Epithal hull only 148,834,547.2 10,750,000.0
111x Executioner hull only 36,100,485.6 3,119,100.0
2x Exequror hull only 23,920,215.5 226,000.0
10x Ferox hull only 474,011,638.7 2,520,000.0
175x Griffin hull only 67,351,247.2 3,395,000.0
56x Harbinger hull only 3,190,032,405.8 13,104,000.0
3x Hurricane hull only 165,262,321.8 648,000.0
123x Imicus hull only 62,086,236.5 2,644,500.0
80x Inquisitor hull only 37,867,341.6 2,296,000.0
175x Kestrel hull only 112,059,169.2 3,447,500.0
12x Maller hull only 175,896,733.1 1,416,000.0
8x Mammoth hull only 25,332,578.4 2,040,000.0
22x Megathron hull only 6,984,670,711.9 10,340,000.0
54x Merlin hull only 5,943,699.0 891,000.0
70x Moa hull only 980,919,100.0 7,070,000.0
20x Navitas hull only 2,204,489.6 200,000.0
218x Nereus hull only 399,550,851.3 52,320,000.0
7x Osprey hull only 77,305,240.9 749,000.0
85x Probe hull only 45,844,534.9 1,657,500.0
31x Prophecy hull only 1,768,853,987.9 7,254,000.0
36x Punisher hull only 17,648,392.7 1,029,600.0
56x Retriever hull only 3,349,963,430.8 8,400,000.0
38x Rifter hull only 12,605,220.5 1,036,982.0
60x Rupture hull only 802,964,173.2 5,760,000.0
20x Scorpion hull only 5,330,089,810.0 9,360,000.0
4x Scythe hull only 44,942,405.3 356,000.0
203x Slasher hull only 127,669,893.2 3,532,200.0
2x Squall hull only 46,516,249.1 500,000.0
56x Stabber hull only 792,115,219.3 4,480,000.0
4x Talwar hull only 4,376,826.9 172,000.0
58x Tayra hull only 197,972,692.2 15,660,000.0
56x Thorax hull only 781,826,762.6 6,272,000.0
58x Thrasher hull only 65,482,593.9 2,494,000.0
11x Tristan hull only 5,676,355.4 291,500.0
1x Typhoon hull only 327,813,975.6 414,000.0
97x Venture hull only 32,926,917.7 2,861,500.0
36x Vexor hull only 520,897,121.3 4,140,000.0
232x Vigil hull only 70,007,461.6 4,036,800.0
108x Wreathe hull only 142,050,121.2 24,300,000.0
46 Standard Capital Ship Components 212,839,227,000.9 10,537,000.0 47 Structure Components 3,430,470,503.9 87,000.0 48 Subsystem Components 66,838,292,414.3 612,309.0 49 Trade Goods 284,715,088.1 291,248.3 Summary (Hangar 6 ) 789,614,020,619.6 554,737,075.5
7 CEO and directors [7]
50 Deployable Structures 11,648,174.5 60,260,000.0 51 Planetary Materials 36,699,121,000.0 10,659,000.0 52 Protective Components 274,123,474.5 10,643.0 53 Ship and Module Modifications 12,855,011.1 150.0 54 Standard Capital Ship Components 1,664,298,380.8 154,000.0 Summary (Hangar 7 ) 38,662,046,040.8 71,083,793.0
Summary (Sotiyo ) 954,081,882,805.3 1,712,622,057.9
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
1 General [1]
1 Ammunition & Charges 21,805,299.2 175.5 2 Deployable Structures 537,585.3 40,000.0 3 Faction Materials 5,216,262.8 2.3 4 Ice Products 960,222.4 2,474.8 5 Ship Equipment 120,978,324.5 1,000.0 6 Ships 348,212,765.8 1,216,852.0 1x Badger 679,878.1 + 40,124,502.8 251,677.0
1x Hulk 274,717,922.8 + 9,049,978.4 150,095.0
2x Iteron Mark V 6,776,052.6 + 13,499,539.6 550,080.0
1x Miasmos hull only 3,364,891.5 265,000.0
Summary (Hangar 1 ) 497,710,460.1 1,260,504.6
2 Personal and regroup [2]
7 Ammunition & Charges 85,113,767.9 496.0 8 Deployable Structures 134,396.3 10,000.0 9 Drones 73,138,497.8 830.0 10 Ship Equipment 944,917,874.6 5,530.0 11 Ship and Module Modifications 1,714,001.5 20.0 12 Ships 4,396,258,958.7 12,077,018.1 1x Amarr Shuttle hull only 27,762.6 5,000.0
1x Council Diplomatic Shuttle hull only 5,015,741.8 5,000.0
6x Hulk 1,648,307,536.9 + 388,363,215.3 901,320.0
1x Kryos 3,075,546.9 + 4,264,763.0 245,060.0
1x Miasmos 3,364,891.5 + 13,446.1 265,005.0
1x Orca 1,930,619,764.4 + 160,591,847.8 10,255,069.8
1x Porpoise 135,616,817.2 + 116,997,625.1 400,563.3
Summary (Hangar 2 ) 5,501,277,496.8 12,093,894.1
Summary (Athanor ) 5,998,987,956.8 13,354,398.7
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
1 General [1]
1 Ammunition & Charges 88,645,984.6 1,370.0 2 Deployable Structures 27,762,184.0 14,750,315.0 3 Drones 68,807,501.9 1,420.0 4 Faction Materials 990,585.5 0.0 5 Ice Products 31,598,734.7 58,143.2 6 Implants & Boosters 5,378,789.7 1.0 7 Ship Equipment 211,732,041.7 745.0 8 Ships 1,461,603,381.9 6,471,195.0 1x Blackbird 10,379,848.7 + 17,622,260.5 96,120.0
1x Epithal hull only 3,461,268.5 250,000.0
5x Hulk 1,373,589,614.1 + 14,563,454.3 760,075.0
2x Sigil hull only 5,973,905.2 460,000.0
4x Tayra hull only 13,653,289.1 1,080,000.0
17x Wreathe hull only 22,359,741.3 3,825,000.0
9 Trade Goods 495,306.8 0.4 Summary (Hangar 1 ) 1,897,014,510.9 21,283,189.6
2 Personal and regroup [2]
10 Deployable Structures 455,690.8 250,000.0 Summary (Hangar 2 ) 455,690.8 250,000.0
Summary (Athanor ) 1,897,470,201.7 21,533,189.6
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
6 Stock [6]
1 Ice Products 86,054,298.0 375,250.4 Summary (Hangar 6 ) 86,054,298.0 375,250.4
Summary (Sotiyo ) 86,054,298.0 375,250.4
1 General [1]
1 Ships 6,143,454.9 275,055.0 1x Iteron Mark V 3,388,026.3 + 2,755,428.6 275,055.0
Summary (Hangar 1 ) 6,143,454.9 275,055.0
2 Personal and regroup [2]
2 Deployable Structures 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0 Summary (Hangar 2 ) 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0
Summary (Tatara ) 7,986,469.4 10,275,055.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
1 General [1]
1 Deployable Structures 18,409,894.1 91,000,000.0 2 Ice Products 17,487,936.0 45,072.0 3 Ship Equipment 60,020,864.6 200.0 4 Ships 18,450,350.2 1,750,000.0 5x Bestower hull only 15,819,792.5 1,300,000.0
2x Wreathe hull only 2,630,557.8 450,000.0
Summary (Hangar 1 ) 114,369,044.9 92,795,272.0
2 Personal and regroup [2]
5 Deployable Structures 1,982,638.2 15,000,000.0 6 Ice Products 2,362,144.0 6,088.0 7 Ship Equipment 18,832,023.1 100.0 8 Ships 1,359,756.2 500,000.0 2x Badger hull only 1,359,756.2 500,000.0
Summary (Hangar 2 ) 24,536,561.5 15,506,188.0
4 BPO [4]
9 Deployable Structures 455,690.8 250,000.0 Summary (Hangar 4 ) 455,690.8 250,000.0
5 Transit [5]
10 Deployable Structures 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0 11 Processed Moon Materials 918,786,780.0 5,400.0 Summary (Hangar 5 ) 920,629,794.6 10,005,400.0
6 Stock [6]
12 Deployable Structures 3,686,029.1 20,000,000.0 13 Fuel Blocks 4,842,807,957.4 1,235,180.0 14 Gas Clouds Materials 14,873,287,837.5 2,738,108.0 15 Raw Moon Materials 39,994,578,014.1 293,515.4 Summary (Hangar 6 ) 59,714,359,838.1 24,266,803.4
7 CEO and directors [7]
16 Deployable Structures 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0 Summary (Hangar 7 ) 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0
Summary (Athanor ) 60,776,193,944.4 152,823,663.4
1 General [1]
1 Ice Products 18,859,904.0 48,608.0 2 Ship Equipment 23,730,392.9 90.0 3 Ships 2,039,634.3 750,000.0 3x Badger hull only 2,039,634.3 750,000.0
Summary (Hangar 1 ) 44,629,931.2 798,698.0
2 Personal and regroup [2]
4 Deployable Structures 2,070,502.8 5,005,000.0 Summary (Hangar 2 ) 2,070,502.8 5,005,000.0
4 BPO [4]
5 Deployable Structures 493,258.8 251,000.0 Summary (Hangar 4 ) 493,258.8 251,000.0
5 Transit [5]
6 Advanced Components 9,186,722,820.0 357,000.0 7 Deployable Structures 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0 Summary (Hangar 5 ) 9,188,565,834.6 10,357,000.0
6 Stock [6]
8 Advanced Moon Materials 124,544,034,445.1 10,004,381.8 9 Deployable Structures 5,529,043.7 30,000,000.0 Summary (Hangar 6 ) 124,549,563,488.8 40,004,381.8
Summary (Azbel ) 133,785,323,016.2 56,416,079.8
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
7 CEO and directors [7]
1 Ammunition & Charges 62,065,625.0 9,930.5 2 Salvage Materials 2,935,298.4 2.6 Summary (Hangar 7 ) 65,000,923.4 9,933.1
Summary (Astrahus ) 65,000,923.4 9,933.1
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
1 General [1]
1 Ice Products 5,139,137.6 13,245.2 2 Ship Equipment 15,011,447.3 55.0 3 Ships 3,752,775.0 299,500.0 1x Tayra hull only 3,413,322.3 270,000.0
1x Venture hull only 339,452.8 29,500.0
Summary (Hangar 1 ) 23,903,359.9 312,800.2
5 Transit [5]
4 Ice Products 115,061,617.2 501,740.4 Summary (Hangar 5 ) 115,061,617.2 501,740.4
6 Stock [6]
5 Deployable Structures 3,825,652.7 25,000,000.0 Summary (Hangar 6 ) 3,825,652.7 25,000,000.0
Summary (Sotiyo ) 142,790,629.9 25,814,540.6
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
2 Personal and regroup [2]
1 Ice Products 62,536,101.9 272,696.4 2 Raw Materials 118,111,968.2 52,618.6 3 Ship Equipment 1,830,596.1 25.0 4 Ships 6,408,032,602.1 4,579,665.8 3x Caldari Shuttle hull only 68,573.5 15,000.0
1x Covetor hull only 56,634,881.7 150,000.0
15x Hulk 4,120,768,842.3 + 1,103,438,279.2 2,269,189.0
1x Iteron Mark V hull only 3,388,026.3 275,000.0
2x Mackinaw 557,932,410.6 + 51,567,863.2 300,255.0
1x Porpoise 135,616,817.2 + 12,554,753.8 400,186.8
6x Retriever 358,924,653.3 + 3,724,178.8 900,035.0
1x Tayra hull only 3,413,322.3 270,000.0
Summary (Hangar 2 ) 6,590,511,268.4 4,905,005.8
Summary (Fortizar ) 6,590,511,268.4 4,905,005.8
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
1 General [1]
1 Deployable Structures 12,901,102.0 70,000,000.0 2 Ice Products 22,445,489.6 57,849.2 3 Ship Equipment 45,015,648.4 150.0 4 Ships 103,446,810.7 1,971,796.0 1x Epithal hull only 3,461,268.5 250,000.0
1x Gnosis 41,133,350.0 + 39,779,233.5 101,220.0
1x Tayra 3,413,322.3 + 7,767,962.9 270,576.0
6x Wreathe hull only 7,891,673.4 1,350,000.0
Summary (Hangar 1 ) 183,809,050.7 72,029,795.2
2 Personal and regroup [2]
5 Deployable Structures 14,774,066.3 82,000,000.0 Summary (Hangar 2 ) 14,774,066.3 82,000,000.0
4 BPO [4]
6 Deployable Structures 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0 Summary (Hangar 4 ) 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0
5 Transit [5]
7 Deployable Structures 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0 Summary (Hangar 5 ) 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0
6 Stock [6]
8 Deployable Structures 3,686,029.1 20,000,000.0 9 Fuel Blocks 8,459,922,735.2 2,149,630.0 10 Gas Clouds Materials 15,329,123,981.7 2,425,188.0 11 Minerals 1,849,182,858.8 748,140.2 Summary (Hangar 6 ) 25,641,915,604.9 25,322,958.2
Summary (Athanor ) 25,844,184,751.1 199,352,753.4
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
5 Transit [5]
1 Raw Materials 580,110.6 1,270.0 Summary (Hangar 5 ) 580,110.6 1,270.0
Summary (Tatara ) 580,110.6 1,270.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
7 CEO and directors [7]
1 Ammunition & Charges 52,128,437.5 8,340.6 2 Faction Materials 75,847,604.6 70.2 3 Salvage Materials 88,251,057.8 2.1 4 Ship Equipment 52,627,736.8 30.0 5 Trade Goods 117,950,000.0 0.3 Summary (Hangar 7 ) 386,804,836.6 8,443.2
Summary (Athanor ) 386,804,836.6 8,443.2
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
2 Personal and regroup [2]
1 Ships 31,034,973.7 280,050.0 3x Caldari Shuttle hull only 68,573.5 15,000.0
1x Miasmos 3,364,891.5 + 27,601,508.6 265,050.0
Summary (Hangar 2 ) 31,034,973.7 280,050.0
Summary (Athanor ) 31,034,973.7 280,050.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
5 Transit [5]
1 Ice Products 3,352,320.0 8,640.0 Summary (Hangar 5 ) 3,352,320.0 8,640.0
Summary (Keepstar ) 3,352,320.0 8,640.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
1 General [1]
1 Ice Products 6,449,646.4 16,622.8 2 Ship Equipment 82,528,688.8 275.0 3 Ships 28,810,173.2 2,600,000.0 2x Badger hull only 1,359,756.2 500,000.0
3x Epithal hull only 10,383,805.6 750,000.0
5x Tayra hull only 17,066,611.4 1,350,000.0
Summary (Hangar 1 ) 117,788,508.4 2,616,897.8
Summary (Tatara ) 117,788,508.4 2,616,897.8
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
The Forge
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
2 Personal and regroup [2]
1 Ice Products 61,571,000.0 3,000.0 Summary (Hangar 2 ) 61,571,000.0 3,000.0
Summary (Keepstar ) 61,571,000.0 3,000.0
Etherium Reach
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
2 Personal and regroup [2]
1 Ships 12,424,939.9 273,914.2 1x Tayra 3,413,322.3 + 9,011,617.7 273,914.2
Summary (Hangar 2 ) 12,424,939.9 273,914.2
Summary (Keepstar ) 12,424,939.9 273,914.2
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
1 General [1]
1 Ice Products 62,080.0 160.0 Summary (Hangar 1 ) 62,080.0 160.0
Summary (Fortizar ) 62,080.0 160.0
The Spire
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
2 Personal and regroup [2]
1 Ice Products 206,478,000.0 346,000.0 2 Ship Equipment 8,642,369.4 40.0 3 Ships 2,949,999,260.9 16,654,400.0 1x Badger hull only 679,878.1 250,000.0
1x Charon 2,286,913,719.9 + 1,181,165.0 16,250,015.0
1x Hulk 274,717,922.8 + 386,506,575.0 154,385.0
Summary (Hangar 2 ) 3,165,119,630.4 17,000,440.0
Summary (Athanor ) 3,165,119,630.4 17,000,440.0
The Kalevala Expanse
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
1 General [1]
1 Ice Products 465,600.0 1,200.0 2 Ship Equipment 7,508,839.2 30.0 3 Ship and Module Modifications 269,812.0 15.0 4 Ships 339,452.8 29,500.0 1x Venture hull only 339,452.8 29,500.0
Summary (Hangar 1 ) 8,583,704.0 30,745.0
Summary (Keepstar ) 8,583,704.0 30,745.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Perrigen Falls
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
2 Personal and regroup [2]
1 Ice Products 1,943,104.0 5,008.0 2 Ship Equipment 10,231,057.4 60.0 3 Ships 29,503,348.0 2,235,005.0 7x Epithal hull only 24,228,879.8 1,750,000.0
1x Kryos 3,075,546.9 + 366,119.2 245,005.0
1x Nereus hull only 1,832,802.1 240,000.0
Summary (Hangar 2 ) 41,677,509.4 2,240,073.0
5 Transit [5]
4 Deployable Structures 2,122,261.8 20,000,000.0 5 Minerals 105,483,467.5 102,910.7 6 Planetary Materials 183,250,202.6 71,404.3 7 Salvage Materials 97,619,883.1 0.7 Summary (Hangar 5 ) 388,475,815.0 20,174,315.7
6 Stock [6]
8 Deployable Structures 139,623.6 5,000,000.0 Summary (Hangar 6 ) 139,623.6 5,000,000.0
Summary (Keepstar ) 430,292,947.9 27,414,388.7
Structures 48,554,372,828.0 2,105,460.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Refineries auto_fit 797,203,642.4 8,000.0 2
Structure Equipment quantum_core_room 700,000,000.0 500.0 3
Structure Equipment service_slot0 131,558,454.1 8,000.0 4
Fuel Blocks structure_fuel 751,755,034.8 196,350.0 Summary (Athanor ) 2,380,517,131.3 212,850.0
Refineries auto_fit 797,203,642.4 8,000.0 2
Structure Equipment quantum_core_room 700,000,000.0 500.0 3
Fuel Blocks structure_fuel 972,237,606.6 255,775.0 4
Structure Equipment service_slot0 131,558,454.1 8,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 2,600,999,703.1 272,275.0
Refineries auto_fit 797,203,642.4 8,000.0 2
Fuel Blocks structure_fuel 281,148,659.1 68,925.0 3
Structure Equipment service_slot0 131,558,454.1 8,000.0 4
Structure Equipment quantum_core_room 700,000,000.0 500.0 Summary (Athanor ) 1,909,910,755.6 85,425.0
Refineries auto_fit 797,203,642.4 8,000.0 2
Structure Equipment quantum_core_room 700,000,000.0 500.0 3
Fuel Blocks structure_fuel 454,517,947.3 118,715.0 4
Structure Equipment service_slot0 131,558,454.1 8,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 2,083,280,043.8 135,215.0
Refineries auto_fit 797,203,642.4 8,000.0 2
Structure Equipment service_slot0 131,558,454.1 8,000.0 3
Structure Equipment quantum_core_room 700,000,000.0 500.0 4
Fuel Blocks structure_fuel 301,543,919.1 73,925.0 Summary (Athanor ) 1,930,306,015.6 90,425.0
Refineries auto_fit 7,381,297,297.3 80,000.0 2
Structure Modifications rig_slot0 4,127,950,000.0 20.0 3
Structure Modifications rig_slot1 7,156,562,500.0 20.0 4
Structure Equipment quantum_core_room 3,500,000,000.0 50,000.0 5
Structure Equipment service_slot0 25,415,927.7 4,000.0 6
Structure Equipment service_slot1 189,545,871.6 4,000.0 7
Structure Equipment service_slot2 186,813,793.1 4,000.0 8
Structure Equipment service_slot3 187,734,444.4 4,000.0 9
Fuel Blocks structure_fuel 1,246,354,406.5 307,855.0 Summary (Tatara ) 24,001,674,240.6 453,895.0
Refineries auto_fit 797,203,642.4 8,000.0 2
Structure Equipment quantum_core_room 700,000,000.0 500.0 3
Structure Equipment service_slot0 131,558,454.1 8,000.0 4
Fuel Blocks structure_fuel 22,536,762.3 5,525.0 Summary (Athanor ) 1,651,298,858.8 22,025.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Refineries auto_fit 797,203,642.4 8,000.0 2
Fuel Blocks structure_fuel 1,156,720,128.6 295,340.0 3
Structure Equipment quantum_core_room 700,000,000.0 500.0 4
Structure Modifications rig_slot2 605,817,791.4 10.0 5
Structure Equipment service_slot1 189,545,871.6 4,000.0 6
Structure Equipment service_slot0 131,558,454.1 8,000.0 7
Structure Modifications rig_slot0 485,015,151.5 10.0 8
Structure Modifications rig_slot1 480,088,000.0 10.0 Summary (Athanor ) 4,545,949,039.6 315,870.0
Refineries auto_fit 797,203,642.4 8,000.0 2
Fuel Blocks structure_fuel 1,259,242,167.0 328,900.0 3
Structure Equipment service_slot0 131,558,454.1 8,000.0 4
Structure Equipment quantum_core_room 700,000,000.0 500.0 Summary (Athanor ) 2,888,004,263.5 345,400.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Refineries auto_fit 797,203,642.4 8,000.0 2
Structure Equipment service_slot0 187,734,444.4 4,000.0 3
Structure Equipment service_slot1 189,545,871.6 4,000.0 4
Structure Equipment quantum_core_room 700,000,000.0 500.0 5
Structure Modifications rig_slot0 1,588,142,857.1 10.0 6
Structure Modifications rig_slot1 508,500,000.0 10.0 7
Fuel Blocks structure_fuel 591,305,960.6 155,560.0 Summary (Athanor ) 4,562,432,776.2 172,080.0
1,354,841,194,500.6 2,556,701,810.9
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Refineries auto_fit 797,203,642.4 8,000.0 2
Structure Equipment hi_slot0 49,919,753.4 4,000.0 3
Structure Equipment quantum_core_room 700,000,000.0 500.0 4
Structure Equipment service_slot0 131,558,454.1 8,000.0 5
Structure Equipment med_slot2 14,585,858.6 4,000.0 6
Ammunition & Charges cargo 16,958,413.5 604.0 7
Fuel Blocks structure_fuel 751,755,034.8 196,350.0 8
Structure Equipment lo_slot0 10,863,036.1 4,000.0 9
Structure Equipment med_slot0 29,706,092.5 4,000.0 10
Structure Equipment med_slot1 20,764,788.4 4,000.0 11
Structure Equipment hi_slot1 40,167,149.3 8,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 2,563,482,223.1 241,454.0
Refineries auto_fit 797,203,642.4 8,000.0 2
Structure Equipment quantum_core_room 700,000,000.0 500.0 3
Fuel Blocks structure_fuel 972,237,606.6 255,775.0 4
Structure Equipment hi_slot0 49,919,753.4 4,000.0 5
Structure Equipment med_slot1 20,764,788.4 4,000.0 6
Structure Equipment hi_slot1 40,167,149.3 8,000.0 7
Ammunition & Charges cargo 16,958,413.5 604.0 8
Structure Equipment lo_slot0 10,863,036.1 4,000.0 9
Structure Equipment service_slot0 131,558,454.1 8,000.0 10
Structure Equipment med_slot0 29,706,092.5 4,000.0 11
Structure Equipment med_slot2 14,585,858.6 4,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 2,783,964,794.9 300,879.0
Refineries auto_fit 797,203,642.4 8,000.0 2
Fuel Blocks structure_fuel 281,148,659.1 68,925.0 3
Structure Equipment hi_slot0 49,919,753.4 4,000.0 4
Structure Equipment med_slot1 20,764,788.4 4,000.0 5
Ammunition & Charges cargo 16,958,413.5 604.0 6
Structure Equipment lo_slot0 10,863,036.1 4,000.0 7
Structure Equipment med_slot0 29,706,092.5 4,000.0 8
Structure Equipment service_slot0 131,558,454.1 8,000.0 9
Structure Equipment quantum_core_room 700,000,000.0 500.0 10
Structure Equipment hi_slot1 40,167,149.3 8,000.0 11
Structure Equipment med_slot2 14,585,858.6 4,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 2,092,875,847.4 114,029.0
Refineries auto_fit 797,203,642.4 8,000.0 2
Structure Equipment quantum_core_room 700,000,000.0 500.0 3
Fuel Blocks structure_fuel 454,517,947.3 118,715.0 4
Structure Equipment med_slot0 29,706,092.5 4,000.0 5
Ammunition & Charges cargo 16,958,413.5 604.0 6
Structure Equipment med_slot1 20,764,788.4 4,000.0 7
Structure Equipment med_slot2 14,585,858.6 4,000.0 8
Structure Equipment service_slot0 131,558,454.1 8,000.0 9
Structure Equipment hi_slot0 49,919,753.4 4,000.0 10
Structure Equipment lo_slot0 10,863,036.1 4,000.0 11
Structure Equipment hi_slot1 40,167,149.3 8,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 2,266,245,135.6 163,819.0
Refineries auto_fit 797,203,642.4 8,000.0 2
Structure Equipment service_slot0 131,558,454.1 8,000.0 3
Structure Equipment med_slot0 29,706,092.5 4,000.0 4
Ammunition & Charges cargo 16,958,413.5 604.0 5
Structure Equipment hi_slot0 49,919,753.4 4,000.0 6
Structure Equipment med_slot1 20,764,788.4 4,000.0 7
Structure Equipment med_slot2 14,585,858.6 4,000.0 8
Structure Equipment quantum_core_room 700,000,000.0 500.0 9
Fuel Blocks structure_fuel 301,543,919.1 73,925.0 10
Structure Equipment lo_slot0 10,863,036.1 4,000.0 11
Structure Equipment hi_slot1 40,167,149.3 8,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 2,113,271,107.4 119,029.0
1 General [1]
1 Ammunition & Charges office_folder 73,570,994.0 786.0 2 Deployable Structures office_folder 37,375,524.1 156,250,050.0 3 Ships office_folder 989,497,131.3 2,252,900.1 11x Covetor 622,983,699.0 + 134,854,945.5 1,652,755.1
4x Procurer 220,212,563.4 + 11,445,923.4 600,145.0
Summary (Hangar 1 ) 1,100,443,649.4 158,503,736.1
2 Personal and regroup [2]
4 Deployable Structures office_folder 6,014,684.2 32,250,000.0 5 Ship Equipment office_folder 316,455,014.9 10.0 6 Ships office_folder 8,455,227,522.9 22,566,668.8 3x Hulk 824,153,768.5 + 1,127,436,301.6 450,555.0
1x Kryos 3,075,546.9 + 8,411,312.9 245,155.0
1x Mackinaw 278,966,205.3 + 23,962,496.6 150,115.0
2x Orca 3,861,239,528.8 + 829,070,027.9 20,554,033.8
1x Porpoise 135,616,817.2 + 156,026,930.9 408,652.0
1x Retriever 59,820,775.5 + 12,977,525.5 157,368.0
4x Skiff 972,234,650.4 + 162,235,634.9 600,790.0
Summary (Hangar 2 ) 8,777,697,222.1 54,816,678.8
3 Prod science invention [3]
7 Deployable Structures office_folder 3,686,029.1 20,000,000.0 8 Raw Materials office_folder 59,473,229.8 20,019.3 Summary (Hangar 3 ) 63,159,258.9 20,020,019.3
4 BPO [4]
9 Deployable Structures office_folder 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0 Summary (Hangar 4 ) 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0
5 Transit [5]
10 Advanced Moon Materials office_folder 402,380,250.0 34,550.0 11 Deployable Structures office_folder 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0 Summary (Hangar 5 ) 404,223,264.6 10,034,550.0
6 Stock [6]
12 Deployable Structures office_folder 5,529,043.7 30,000,000.0 13 Fuel Blocks office_folder 7,803,429,300.1 1,991,125.0 14 Gas Clouds Materials office_folder 5,573,793,083.5 1,052,270.0 15 Processed Moon Materials office_folder 68,233,920,133.2 1,261,848.9 Summary (Hangar 6 ) 81,616,671,560.5 34,305,243.9
Refineries auto_fit 7,381,297,297.3 80,000.0 17
Structure Modifications rig_slot0 4,127,950,000.0 20.0 18
Structure Modifications rig_slot1 7,156,562,500.0 20.0 19
Ammunition & Charges med_slot0 1,224,187.4 1.0 20
Structure Equipment med_slot0 31,582,036.7 4,000.0 21
Structure Equipment hi_slot0 49,919,753.4 4,000.0 22
Structure Equipment hi_slot1 49,919,753.4 4,000.0 23
Ammunition & Charges cargo 80,265,662.1 2,932.0 24
Structure Equipment med_slot3 20,764,788.4 4,000.0 25
Drones fighter_bay 311,576,426.8 45,600.0 26
Drones fighter_tube1 13,824,795.6 2,000.0 27
Drones fighter_tube2 7,616,920.0 1,600.0 28
Structure Equipment quantum_core_room 3,500,000,000.0 50,000.0 29
Structure Equipment service_slot0 25,415,927.7 4,000.0 30
Structure Equipment service_slot1 189,545,871.6 4,000.0 31
Structure Equipment service_slot2 186,813,793.1 4,000.0 32
Structure Equipment service_slot3 187,734,444.4 4,000.0 33
Structure Equipment med_slot1 29,706,092.5 4,000.0 34
Structure Equipment lo_slot1 73,286,784.1 4,000.0 35
Fuel Blocks structure_fuel 1,246,354,406.5 307,855.0 36
Structure Equipment hi_slot2 49,919,753.4 4,000.0 37
Structure Equipment med_slot2 20,764,788.4 4,000.0 38
Structure Equipment lo_slot0 73,286,784.1 4,000.0 39
Structure Equipment lo_slot2 73,286,784.1 4,000.0 40
Drones fighter_tube0 15,716,860.7 2,000.0 Summary (Tatara ) 116,868,374,381.8 288,228,256.1 Blueprints & Reactions blueprints_reactions 16,500,000,000.0 8.6
Refineries auto_fit 797,203,642.4 8,000.0 2
Structure Equipment quantum_core_room 700,000,000.0 500.0 3
Structure Equipment lo_slot0 10,863,036.1 4,000.0 4
Structure Equipment med_slot1 20,764,788.4 4,000.0 5
Structure Equipment hi_slot1 40,167,149.3 8,000.0 6
Ammunition & Charges cargo 16,304,991.0 579.0 7
Structure Equipment service_slot0 131,558,454.1 8,000.0 8
Fuel Blocks structure_fuel 22,536,762.3 5,525.0 9
Structure Equipment hi_slot0 49,919,753.4 4,000.0 10
Structure Equipment med_slot0 29,706,092.5 4,000.0 11
Structure Equipment med_slot2 14,585,858.6 4,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 1,833,610,528.1 50,604.0
1 General [1]
1 Ammunition & Charges office_folder 4,272.0 3.0 2 Deployable Structures office_folder 118,590,153.0 500,551,950.0 3 Planetary Infrastructure office_folder 190,145,559.1 2,162,000.0 4 Ship Equipment office_folder 942,264.4 5.0 5 Ships office_folder 56,835,421.0 105,594.0 3x Griffin 1,154,592.8 + 33,898,316.6 58,370.0
1x Venture 339,452.8 + 501,720.7 29,530.0
1x Vigil 301,756.3 + 20,639,581.9 17,694.0
6 Skills office_folder 94,725,882.5 8.0 Summary (Hangar 1 ) 461,243,552.0 502,819,560.0
2 Personal and regroup [2]
7 Deployable Structures office_folder 16,726,754.7 95,000,000.0 8 Planetary Materials office_folder 16,495,316,643.2 4,376,303.6 9 Ships office_folder 22,374,703,483.8 82,982,529.8 2x Charon 4,573,827,439.9 + 844,866,100.2 32,500,060.0
5x Epithal 17,306,342.7 + 25,604,918.9 1,250,351.0
1x Gila 205,083,310.5 + 4,261,468,569.1 101,441.8
2x Gnosis 82,266,700.0 + 9,622,785.7 202,250.8
6x Hulk 1,648,307,536.9 + 2,492,129,271.9 901,085.0
2x Miasmos 6,729,783.1 + 8,196,511.6 530,155.0
1x Noctis 136,945,420.4 + 29,366,547.1 270,281.0
2x Obelisk 4,838,196,652.7 + 4,324,452.5 35,100,060.0
1x Orca 1,930,619,764.4 + 268,869,971.7 10,261,744.0
2x Porpoise 271,233,634.3 + 94,521,181.8 809,221.4
2x Praxis 384,639,988.3 + 17,904,512.6 940,875.0
1x Rapier 185,441,104.3 + 28,746,472.6 85,443.0
1x Venture 339,452.8 + 8,145,057.7 29,561.8
Summary (Hangar 2 ) 38,886,746,881.8 182,358,833.4
3 Prod science invention [3]
10 Deployable Structures office_folder 38,029,811.1 202,506,100.0 11 Drones office_folder 10,507,028.1 100.0 12 Research Equipment office_folder 25,835,140,564.1 27,498.1 13 Trade Goods office_folder 73,461,057.3 315,574.8 Summary (Hangar 3 ) 25,957,138,460.6 202,849,272.9
4 BPO [4]
14 Deployable Structures office_folder 33,160,884.0 20,598,100.0 Summary (Hangar 4 ) 33,160,884.0 20,598,100.0
5 Transit [5]
15 Ammunition & Charges office_folder 2,840,799,000.0 1,000.0 16 Deployable Structures office_folder 31,455,398.1 125,006,000.0 17 Drones office_folder 3,991,424,203.4 185,300.0 18 Molecular-Forged Materials office_folder 1,908,163,850.0 24,000.0 19 Molecular-Forging Tools office_folder 101,249,427.0 230.0 20 Ship Equipment office_folder 12,036,641,671.4 159,025.0 21 Ship and Module Modifications office_folder 1,284,280,823.1 340.0 22 Ships office_folder 34,030,446,538.9 52,559,528.0 1x Anshar 9,083,831,932.8 + 251,766,357.7 17,562,015.0
6x Basilisk hull only 1,069,771,625.9 642,000.0
10x Bifrost hull only 586,841,537.4 430,000.0
1x Bowhead hull only 2,224,922,619.1 17,550,000.0
2x Cerberus hull only 378,786,104.7 184,000.0
5x Cheetah hull only 114,892,329.9 87,000.0
3x Crow hull only 67,884,798.9 54,000.0
4x Curse hull only 803,523,743.5 480,000.0
16x Deluge hull only 3,890,651,197.1 3,200,000.0
2x Harpy hull only 58,623,427.7 33,000.0
3x Huginn hull only 600,842,989.6 255,000.0
3x Hulk hull only 824,153,768.5 450,000.0
17x Jaguar hull only 472,033,849.3 463,913.0
5x Mackinaw hull only 1,394,831,026.5 750,000.0
28x Manticore hull only 717,166,124.4 786,800.0
8x Nemesis hull only 175,583,505.8 224,800.0
1x Nighthawk hull only 362,173,366.2 252,000.0
1x Praxis hull only 192,319,994.2 470,000.0
1x Prowler hull only 132,179,704.8 180,000.0
4x Rapier hull only 741,764,417.2 340,000.0
2x Rook hull only 386,381,909.5 192,000.0
82x Sabre hull only 4,037,125,138.0 3,526,000.0
2x Sin hull only 2,145,735,191.6 909,000.0
3x Sleipnir hull only 1,097,905,636.3 648,000.0
5x Torrent hull only 1,428,478,519.2 1,750,000.0
6x Viator hull only 790,275,723.1 1,140,000.0
23 Sovereignty Structures office_folder 4,243,065,454.5 240,000.0 Summary (Hangar 5 ) 60,467,526,366.4 178,175,423.0
6 Stock [6]
24 Advanced Capital Components office_folder 33,613,835,982.0 97,310.0 25 Advanced Components office_folder 118,593,183,059.1 3,021,631.0 26 Advanced Moon Materials office_folder 3,699,442,481.8 35,274.8 27 Advanced Protective Technology office_folder 786,325,885.8 25.7 28 Ammunition & Charges office_folder 1,299,856,490.7 21,657.6 29 Colony Reagents office_folder 1,880,948,656.7 14,288.2 30 Deployable Structures office_folder 60,547,060.9 170,001,300.0 31 Drones office_folder 729,037,109.8 115,910.0 32 Faction Materials office_folder 710,557,708.7 416.2 33 Fuel Blocks office_folder 10,822,324,558.6 2,804,620.0 34 Ice Products office_folder 7,053,964,446.0 851,861.6 35 Minerals office_folder 71,907,459,585.6 21,512,260.8 36 Molecular-Forged Materials office_folder 10,215,121,180.6 203,940.0 37 Named Components office_folder 4,042,014.6 2.0 38 Planetary Materials office_folder 104,133,538,972.4 4,877,170.3 39 Polymer Materials office_folder 28,176,767,782.6 467,338.2 40 Protective Components office_folder 21,504,976,030.8 3,952,064.0 41 R.A.M. office_folder 853,460,449.5 42,882.7 42 Raw Materials office_folder 33,089,496.6 168.7 43 Salvage Materials office_folder 15,433,175,096.2 14,544.4 44 Ship Equipment office_folder 23,196,607,074.2 1,767,170.0 45 Ships office_folder 51,513,054,489.4 333,407,682.0 36x Algos hull only 55,846,950.5 1,980,000.0
10x Apocalypse hull only 3,272,651,821.9 4,700,000.0
171x Arbitrator hull only 1,832,195,818.5 20,520,000.0
13x Armageddon hull only 4,365,387,064.7 6,110,000.0
25x Atron hull only 13,034,025.0 562,500.0
4x Augoror hull only 44,047,724.4 460,000.0
57x Badger hull only 38,753,052.3 14,250,000.0
60x Bantam hull only 7,098,962.4 1,200,000.0
106x Bellicose hull only 1,480,380,015.2 9,010,000.0
26x Bestower hull only 82,262,920.7 6,760,000.0
44x Blackbird hull only 456,713,344.6 4,224,000.0
40x Burst hull only 7,746,778.0 684,000.0
34x Caracal hull only 448,248,018.5 3,128,000.0
1x Catalyst hull only 1,211,371.3 55,000.0
51x Celestis hull only 547,501,846.8 5,916,000.0
196x Condor hull only 103,115,402.0 3,528,000.0
186x Corax hull only 233,532,911.9 9,672,000.0
29x Covetor hull only 1,642,411,570.2 4,350,000.0
28x Dominix hull only 9,101,778,238.3 12,726,000.0
24x Dragoon hull only 40,605,009.4 1,128,000.0
5x Drake hull only 280,938,484.1 1,260,000.0
43x Epithal hull only 148,834,547.2 10,750,000.0
111x Executioner hull only 36,100,485.6 3,119,100.0
2x Exequror hull only 23,920,215.5 226,000.0
10x Ferox hull only 474,011,638.7 2,520,000.0
175x Griffin hull only 67,351,247.2 3,395,000.0
56x Harbinger hull only 3,190,032,405.8 13,104,000.0
3x Hurricane hull only 165,262,321.8 648,000.0
123x Imicus hull only 62,086,236.5 2,644,500.0
80x Inquisitor hull only 37,867,341.6 2,296,000.0
175x Kestrel hull only 112,059,169.2 3,447,500.0
12x Maller hull only 175,896,733.1 1,416,000.0
8x Mammoth hull only 25,332,578.4 2,040,000.0
22x Megathron hull only 6,984,670,711.9 10,340,000.0
54x Merlin hull only 5,943,699.0 891,000.0
70x Moa hull only 980,919,100.0 7,070,000.0
20x Navitas hull only 2,204,489.6 200,000.0
218x Nereus hull only 399,550,851.3 52,320,000.0
7x Osprey hull only 77,305,240.9 749,000.0
85x Probe hull only 45,844,534.9 1,657,500.0
31x Prophecy hull only 1,768,853,987.9 7,254,000.0
36x Punisher hull only 17,648,392.7 1,029,600.0
56x Retriever hull only 3,349,963,430.8 8,400,000.0
38x Rifter hull only 12,605,220.5 1,036,982.0
60x Rupture hull only 802,964,173.2 5,760,000.0
20x Scorpion hull only 5,330,089,810.0 9,360,000.0
4x Scythe hull only 44,942,405.3 356,000.0
203x Slasher hull only 127,669,893.2 3,532,200.0
2x Squall hull only 46,516,249.1 500,000.0
56x Stabber hull only 792,115,219.3 4,480,000.0
4x Talwar hull only 4,376,826.9 172,000.0
58x Tayra hull only 197,972,692.2 15,660,000.0
56x Thorax hull only 781,826,762.6 6,272,000.0
58x Thrasher hull only 65,482,593.9 2,494,000.0
11x Tristan hull only 5,676,355.4 291,500.0
1x Typhoon hull only 327,813,975.6 414,000.0
97x Venture hull only 32,926,917.7 2,861,500.0
36x Vexor hull only 520,897,121.3 4,140,000.0
232x Vigil hull only 70,007,461.6 4,036,800.0
108x Wreathe hull only 142,050,121.2 24,300,000.0
46 Standard Capital Ship Components office_folder 212,839,227,000.9 10,537,000.0 47 Structure Components office_folder 3,430,470,503.9 87,000.0 48 Subsystem Components office_folder 66,838,292,414.3 612,309.0 49 Trade Goods office_folder 284,715,088.1 291,248.3 Summary (Hangar 6 ) 789,614,020,619.6 554,737,075.5
7 CEO and directors [7]
50 Deployable Structures office_folder 11,648,174.5 60,260,000.0 51 Planetary Materials office_folder 36,699,121,000.0 10,659,000.0 52 Protective Components office_folder 274,123,474.5 10,643.0 53 Ship and Module Modifications office_folder 12,855,011.1 150.0 54 Standard Capital Ship Components office_folder 1,664,298,380.8 154,000.0 Summary (Hangar 7 ) 38,662,046,040.8 71,083,793.0
Summary (Sotiyo ) 954,081,882,805.3 1,712,622,057.9 Blueprints & Reactions blueprints_reactions 240,975,732,621.0 53.3
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
1 General [1]
1 Ammunition & Charges office_folder 21,805,299.2 175.5 2 Deployable Structures office_folder 537,585.3 40,000.0 3 Faction Materials office_folder 5,216,262.8 2.3 4 Ice Products office_folder 960,222.4 2,474.8 5 Ship Equipment office_folder 120,978,324.5 1,000.0 6 Ships office_folder 348,212,765.8 1,216,852.0 1x Badger 679,878.1 + 40,124,502.8 251,677.0
1x Hulk 274,717,922.8 + 9,049,978.4 150,095.0
2x Iteron Mark V 6,776,052.6 + 13,499,539.6 550,080.0
1x Miasmos hull only 3,364,891.5 265,000.0
Summary (Hangar 1 ) 497,710,460.1 1,260,504.6
2 Personal and regroup [2]
7 Ammunition & Charges office_folder 85,113,767.9 496.0 8 Deployable Structures office_folder 134,396.3 10,000.0 9 Drones office_folder 73,138,497.8 830.0 10 Ship Equipment office_folder 944,917,874.6 5,530.0 11 Ship and Module Modifications office_folder 1,714,001.5 20.0 12 Ships office_folder 4,396,258,958.7 12,077,018.1 1x Amarr Shuttle hull only 27,762.6 5,000.0
1x Council Diplomatic Shuttle hull only 5,015,741.8 5,000.0
6x Hulk 1,648,307,536.9 + 388,363,215.3 901,320.0
1x Kryos 3,075,546.9 + 4,264,763.0 245,060.0
1x Miasmos 3,364,891.5 + 13,446.1 265,005.0
1x Orca 1,930,619,764.4 + 160,591,847.8 10,255,069.8
1x Porpoise 135,616,817.2 + 116,997,625.1 400,563.3
Summary (Hangar 2 ) 5,501,277,496.8 12,093,894.1
Summary (Athanor ) 5,998,987,956.8 13,354,398.7
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
1 General [1]
1 Ammunition & Charges office_folder 88,645,984.6 1,370.0 2 Deployable Structures office_folder 27,762,184.0 14,750,315.0 3 Drones office_folder 68,807,501.9 1,420.0 4 Faction Materials office_folder 990,585.5 0.0 5 Ice Products office_folder 31,598,734.7 58,143.2 6 Implants & Boosters office_folder 5,378,789.7 1.0 7 Ship Equipment office_folder 211,732,041.7 745.0 8 Ships office_folder 1,461,603,381.9 6,471,195.0 1x Blackbird 10,379,848.7 + 17,622,260.5 96,120.0
1x Epithal hull only 3,461,268.5 250,000.0
5x Hulk 1,373,589,614.1 + 14,563,454.3 760,075.0
2x Sigil hull only 5,973,905.2 460,000.0
4x Tayra hull only 13,653,289.1 1,080,000.0
17x Wreathe hull only 22,359,741.3 3,825,000.0
9 Trade Goods office_folder 495,306.8 0.4 Summary (Hangar 1 ) 1,897,014,510.9 21,283,189.6
2 Personal and regroup [2]
10 Deployable Structures office_folder 455,690.8 250,000.0 Summary (Hangar 2 ) 455,690.8 250,000.0
Summary (Athanor ) 1,897,470,201.7 21,533,189.6
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
6 Stock [6]
1 Ice Products office_folder 86,054,298.0 375,250.4 Summary (Hangar 6 ) 86,054,298.0 375,250.4
Summary (Sotiyo ) 86,054,298.0 375,250.4
1 General [1]
1 Ships office_folder 6,143,454.9 275,055.0 1x Iteron Mark V 3,388,026.3 + 2,755,428.6 275,055.0
Summary (Hangar 1 ) 6,143,454.9 275,055.0
2 Personal and regroup [2]
2 Deployable Structures office_folder 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0 Summary (Hangar 2 ) 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0
Summary (Tatara ) 7,986,469.4 10,275,055.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
1 General [1]
1 Deployable Structures office_folder 18,409,894.1 91,000,000.0 2 Ice Products office_folder 17,487,936.0 45,072.0 3 Ship Equipment office_folder 60,020,864.6 200.0 4 Ships office_folder 18,450,350.2 1,750,000.0 5x Bestower hull only 15,819,792.5 1,300,000.0
2x Wreathe hull only 2,630,557.8 450,000.0
Summary (Hangar 1 ) 114,369,044.9 92,795,272.0
2 Personal and regroup [2]
5 Deployable Structures office_folder 1,982,638.2 15,000,000.0 6 Ice Products office_folder 2,362,144.0 6,088.0 7 Ship Equipment office_folder 18,832,023.1 100.0 8 Ships office_folder 1,359,756.2 500,000.0 2x Badger hull only 1,359,756.2 500,000.0
Summary (Hangar 2 ) 24,536,561.5 15,506,188.0
4 BPO [4]
9 Deployable Structures office_folder 455,690.8 250,000.0 Summary (Hangar 4 ) 455,690.8 250,000.0
5 Transit [5]
10 Deployable Structures office_folder 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0 11 Processed Moon Materials office_folder 918,786,780.0 5,400.0 Summary (Hangar 5 ) 920,629,794.6 10,005,400.0
6 Stock [6]
12 Deployable Structures office_folder 3,686,029.1 20,000,000.0 13 Fuel Blocks office_folder 4,842,807,957.4 1,235,180.0 14 Gas Clouds Materials office_folder 14,873,287,837.5 2,738,108.0 15 Raw Moon Materials office_folder 39,994,578,014.1 293,515.4 Summary (Hangar 6 ) 59,714,359,838.1 24,266,803.4
7 CEO and directors [7]
16 Deployable Structures office_folder 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0 Summary (Hangar 7 ) 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0
Refineries auto_fit 797,203,642.4 8,000.0 18
Structure Equipment lo_slot0 10,863,036.1 4,000.0 19
Structure Equipment med_slot1 20,764,788.4 4,000.0 20
Fuel Blocks structure_fuel 1,156,720,128.6 295,340.0 21
Structure Equipment med_slot2 14,585,858.6 4,000.0 22
Ammunition & Charges cargo 16,958,413.5 604.0 23
Structure Equipment quantum_core_room 700,000,000.0 500.0 24
Structure Modifications rig_slot2 605,817,791.4 10.0 25
Structure Equipment service_slot1 189,545,871.6 4,000.0 26
Structure Equipment service_slot0 131,558,454.1 8,000.0 27
Structure Modifications rig_slot0 485,015,151.5 10.0 28
Structure Modifications rig_slot1 480,088,000.0 10.0 29
Structure Equipment hi_slot0 49,919,753.4 4,000.0 30
Structure Equipment med_slot0 29,706,092.5 4,000.0 31
Structure Equipment hi_slot1 40,167,149.3 8,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 65,505,108,075.9 153,168,137.4 Blueprints & Reactions blueprints_reactions 10,420,000,000.0 10.4
Refineries auto_fit 797,203,642.4 8,000.0 2
Fuel Blocks structure_fuel 1,259,242,167.0 328,900.0 3
Structure Equipment lo_slot0 10,863,036.1 4,000.0 4
Ammunition & Charges cargo 16,958,413.5 604.0 5
Structure Equipment med_slot0 29,706,092.5 4,000.0 6
Structure Equipment med_slot2 14,585,858.6 4,000.0 7
Structure Equipment service_slot0 131,558,454.1 8,000.0 8
Structure Equipment quantum_core_room 700,000,000.0 500.0 9
Structure Equipment med_slot1 20,764,788.4 4,000.0 10
Structure Equipment hi_slot1 40,167,149.3 8,000.0 11
Structure Equipment hi_slot0 49,919,753.4 4,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 3,070,969,355.3 374,004.0
1 General [1]
1 Ice Products office_folder 18,859,904.0 48,608.0 2 Ship Equipment office_folder 23,730,392.9 90.0 3 Ships office_folder 2,039,634.3 750,000.0 3x Badger hull only 2,039,634.3 750,000.0
Summary (Hangar 1 ) 44,629,931.2 798,698.0
2 Personal and regroup [2]
4 Deployable Structures office_folder 2,070,502.8 5,005,000.0 Summary (Hangar 2 ) 2,070,502.8 5,005,000.0
4 BPO [4]
5 Deployable Structures office_folder 493,258.8 251,000.0 Summary (Hangar 4 ) 493,258.8 251,000.0
5 Transit [5]
6 Advanced Components office_folder 9,186,722,820.0 357,000.0 7 Deployable Structures office_folder 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0 Summary (Hangar 5 ) 9,188,565,834.6 10,357,000.0
6 Stock [6]
8 Advanced Moon Materials office_folder 124,544,034,445.1 10,004,381.8 9 Deployable Structures office_folder 5,529,043.7 30,000,000.0 Summary (Hangar 6 ) 124,549,563,488.8 40,004,381.8
Summary (Azbel ) 133,785,323,016.2 56,416,079.8 Blueprints & Reactions blueprints_reactions 5,180,000,000.0 10.4
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
7 CEO and directors [7]
1 Ammunition & Charges office_folder 62,065,625.0 9,930.5 2 Salvage Materials office_folder 2,935,298.4 2.6 Summary (Hangar 7 ) 65,000,923.4 9,933.1
Summary (Astrahus ) 65,000,923.4 9,933.1
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
1 General [1]
1 Ice Products office_folder 5,139,137.6 13,245.2 2 Ship Equipment office_folder 15,011,447.3 55.0 3 Ships office_folder 3,752,775.0 299,500.0 1x Tayra hull only 3,413,322.3 270,000.0
1x Venture hull only 339,452.8 29,500.0
Summary (Hangar 1 ) 23,903,359.9 312,800.2
5 Transit [5]
4 Ice Products office_folder 115,061,617.2 501,740.4 Summary (Hangar 5 ) 115,061,617.2 501,740.4
6 Stock [6]
5 Deployable Structures office_folder 3,825,652.7 25,000,000.0 Summary (Hangar 6 ) 3,825,652.7 25,000,000.0
Summary (Sotiyo ) 142,790,629.9 25,814,540.6 Blueprints & Reactions blueprints_reactions 0.0 0.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Planetary Materials corp_deliveries 6,970,384,784.3 166,110.0 Summary (Fortizar ) 6,970,384,784.3 166,110.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
2 Personal and regroup [2]
1 Ice Products office_folder 62,536,101.9 272,696.4 2 Raw Materials office_folder 118,111,968.2 52,618.6 3 Ship Equipment office_folder 1,830,596.1 25.0 4 Ships office_folder 6,408,032,602.1 4,579,665.8 3x Caldari Shuttle hull only 68,573.5 15,000.0
1x Covetor hull only 56,634,881.7 150,000.0
15x Hulk 4,120,768,842.3 + 1,103,438,279.2 2,269,189.0
1x Iteron Mark V hull only 3,388,026.3 275,000.0
2x Mackinaw 557,932,410.6 + 51,567,863.2 300,255.0
1x Porpoise 135,616,817.2 + 12,554,753.8 400,186.8
6x Retriever 358,924,653.3 + 3,724,178.8 900,035.0
1x Tayra hull only 3,413,322.3 270,000.0
Summary (Hangar 2 ) 6,590,511,268.4 4,905,005.8
Summary (Fortizar ) 6,590,511,268.4 4,905,005.8
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
1 General [1]
1 Deployable Structures office_folder 12,901,102.0 70,000,000.0 2 Ice Products office_folder 22,445,489.6 57,849.2 3 Ship Equipment office_folder 45,015,648.4 150.0 4 Ships office_folder 103,446,810.7 1,971,796.0 1x Epithal hull only 3,461,268.5 250,000.0
1x Gnosis 41,133,350.0 + 39,779,233.5 101,220.0
1x Tayra 3,413,322.3 + 7,767,962.9 270,576.0
6x Wreathe hull only 7,891,673.4 1,350,000.0
Summary (Hangar 1 ) 183,809,050.7 72,029,795.2
2 Personal and regroup [2]
5 Deployable Structures office_folder 14,774,066.3 82,000,000.0 Summary (Hangar 2 ) 14,774,066.3 82,000,000.0
4 BPO [4]
6 Deployable Structures office_folder 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0 Summary (Hangar 4 ) 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0
5 Transit [5]
7 Deployable Structures office_folder 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0 Summary (Hangar 5 ) 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0
6 Stock [6]
8 Deployable Structures office_folder 3,686,029.1 20,000,000.0 9 Fuel Blocks office_folder 8,459,922,735.2 2,149,630.0 10 Gas Clouds Materials office_folder 15,329,123,981.7 2,425,188.0 11 Minerals office_folder 1,849,182,858.8 748,140.2 Summary (Hangar 6 ) 25,641,915,604.9 25,322,958.2
Refineries auto_fit 797,203,642.4 8,000.0 13
Structure Equipment service_slot0 187,734,444.4 4,000.0 14
Structure Equipment service_slot1 189,545,871.6 4,000.0 15
Structure Equipment hi_slot0 49,919,753.4 4,000.0 16
Structure Equipment med_slot0 14,585,858.6 4,000.0 17
Structure Equipment med_slot1 29,706,092.5 4,000.0 18
Ammunition & Charges cargo 16,958,413.5 604.0 19
Structure Equipment quantum_core_room 700,000,000.0 500.0 20
Structure Modifications rig_slot0 1,588,142,857.1 10.0 21
Structure Modifications rig_slot1 508,500,000.0 10.0 22
Fuel Blocks structure_fuel 591,305,960.6 155,560.0 23
Structure Equipment lo_slot0 10,863,036.1 4,000.0 24
Structure Equipment hi_slot1 40,167,149.3 8,000.0 25
Structure Equipment med_slot2 20,764,788.4 4,000.0 Summary (Athanor ) 30,589,582,619.1 199,553,437.4 Blueprints & Reactions blueprints_reactions 3,465,000,000.0 2.3
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
5 Transit [5]
1 Raw Materials office_folder 580,110.6 1,270.0 Summary (Hangar 5 ) 580,110.6 1,270.0
Summary (Tatara ) 580,110.6 1,270.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
7 CEO and directors [7]
1 Ammunition & Charges office_folder 52,128,437.5 8,340.6 2 Faction Materials office_folder 75,847,604.6 70.2 3 Salvage Materials office_folder 88,251,057.8 2.1 4 Ship Equipment office_folder 52,627,736.8 30.0 5 Trade Goods office_folder 117,950,000.0 0.3 Summary (Hangar 7 ) 386,804,836.6 8,443.2
Summary (Athanor ) 386,804,836.6 8,443.2
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
2 Personal and regroup [2]
1 Ships office_folder 31,034,973.7 280,050.0 3x Caldari Shuttle hull only 68,573.5 15,000.0
1x Miasmos 3,364,891.5 + 27,601,508.6 265,050.0
Summary (Hangar 2 ) 31,034,973.7 280,050.0
Summary (Athanor ) 31,034,973.7 280,050.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
5 Transit [5]
1 Ice Products office_folder 3,352,320.0 8,640.0 Summary (Hangar 5 ) 3,352,320.0 8,640.0
Planetary Materials corp_deliveries 29,314,505.0 6,984.0 3
Ship Equipment corp_deliveries 76,575,591.8 4,000.0 Summary (Keepstar ) 109,242,416.8 19,624.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
1 General [1]
1 Ice Products office_folder 6,449,646.4 16,622.8 2 Ship Equipment office_folder 82,528,688.8 275.0 3 Ships office_folder 28,810,173.2 2,600,000.0 2x Badger hull only 1,359,756.2 500,000.0
3x Epithal hull only 10,383,805.6 750,000.0
5x Tayra hull only 17,066,611.4 1,350,000.0
Summary (Hangar 1 ) 117,788,508.4 2,616,897.8
Summary (Tatara ) 117,788,508.4 2,616,897.8
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Blueprints & Reactions blueprints_reactions 9,500,000,000.0 0.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Ships corp_deliveries 82,266,700.0 202,000.0 2x Gnosis hull only 82,266,700.0 202,000.0
Summary (Keepstar ) 82,266,700.0 202,000.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
The Forge
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
2 Personal and regroup [2]
1 Ice Products office_folder 61,571,000.0 3,000.0 Summary (Hangar 2 ) 61,571,000.0 3,000.0
Summary (Keepstar ) 61,571,000.0 3,000.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
1 General [1]
1 Deployable Structures impounded 1,843,014.6 10,000,000.0 2 Ice Products impounded 2,787,137,724.4 328,187.6 3 Ship Equipment impounded 181,564,457.4 650.0 4 Ship and Module Modifications impounded 2,158,496.2 120.0 5 Ships impounded 13,934,097.2 4,456,500.0 17x Badger hull only 11,557,927.9 4,250,000.0
7x Venture hull only 2,376,169.3 206,500.0
Summary (Hangar 1 ) 2,986,637,789.7 14,785,457.6
Summary (Caldari Trading Station ) 2,986,637,789.7 14,785,457.6
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
1 General [1]
1 Ice Products asset_safety 294,031,889.9 34,941.6 2 Ship Equipment asset_safety 22,601,291.2 150.0 3 Ship and Module Modifications asset_safety 2,428,308.2 135.0 4 Ships asset_safety 5,438,052.3 1,809,000.0 7x Badger hull only 4,759,146.8 1,750,000.0
2x Venture hull only 678,905.5 59,000.0
Summary (Hangar 1 ) 324,499,541.5 1,844,226.6
Summary (Caldari Food Processing Plant Station ) 324,499,541.5 1,844,226.6
Etherium Reach
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
2 Personal and regroup [2]
1 Ships office_folder 12,424,939.9 273,914.2 1x Tayra 3,413,322.3 + 9,011,617.7 273,914.2
Summary (Hangar 2 ) 12,424,939.9 273,914.2
Summary (Keepstar ) 12,424,939.9 273,914.2
(no data)
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
1 General [1]
1 Ice Products asset_safety 193,438,338.4 47,056.8 2 Ship Equipment asset_safety 38,034,937.8 255.0 3 Ship and Module Modifications asset_safety 2,248,433.5 125.0 4 Ships asset_safety 36,893,306.6 1,556,540.0 4x Badger hull only 2,719,512.4 1,000,000.0
1x Sunesis hull only 20,714,383.4 55,000.0
17x Venture 5,770,696.9 + 7,688,713.9 501,540.0
Summary (Hangar 1 ) 270,615,016.4 1,603,976.8
Summary 270,615,016.4 1,603,976.8
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
1 General [1]
1 Ice Products office_folder 62,080.0 160.0 Summary (Hangar 1 ) 62,080.0 160.0
Summary (Fortizar ) 62,080.0 160.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Ship Equipment corp_deliveries 368,384,650.8 10,645.0 Summary (Sisters of EVE Logistics Station ) 368,384,650.8 10,645.0
The Spire
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
2 Personal and regroup [2]
1 Ice Products office_folder 206,478,000.0 346,000.0 2 Ship Equipment office_folder 8,642,369.4 40.0 3 Ships office_folder 2,949,999,260.9 16,654,400.0 1x Badger hull only 679,878.1 250,000.0
1x Charon 2,286,913,719.9 + 1,181,165.0 16,250,015.0
1x Hulk 274,717,922.8 + 386,506,575.0 154,385.0
Summary (Hangar 2 ) 3,165,119,630.4 17,000,440.0
Summary (Athanor ) 3,165,119,630.4 17,000,440.0
The Kalevala Expanse
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
1 General [1]
1 Ice Products office_folder 465,600.0 1,200.0 2 Ship Equipment office_folder 7,508,839.2 30.0 3 Ship and Module Modifications office_folder 269,812.0 15.0 4 Ships office_folder 339,452.8 29,500.0 1x Venture hull only 339,452.8 29,500.0
Summary (Hangar 1 ) 8,583,704.0 30,745.0
Summary (Keepstar ) 8,583,704.0 30,745.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Perrigen Falls
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
2 Personal and regroup [2]
1 Ice Products office_folder 1,943,104.0 5,008.0 2 Ship Equipment office_folder 10,231,057.4 60.0 3 Ships office_folder 29,503,348.0 2,235,005.0 7x Epithal hull only 24,228,879.8 1,750,000.0
1x Kryos 3,075,546.9 + 366,119.2 245,005.0
1x Nereus hull only 1,832,802.1 240,000.0
Summary (Hangar 2 ) 41,677,509.4 2,240,073.0
5 Transit [5]
4 Deployable Structures office_folder 2,122,261.8 20,000,000.0 5 Minerals office_folder 105,483,467.5 102,910.7 6 Planetary Materials office_folder 183,250,202.6 71,404.3 7 Salvage Materials office_folder 97,619,883.1 0.7 Summary (Hangar 5 ) 388,475,815.0 20,174,315.7
6 Stock [6]
8 Deployable Structures office_folder 139,623.6 5,000,000.0 Summary (Hangar 6 ) 139,623.6 5,000,000.0
Salvage Materials corp_deliveries 412,983.5 7.1 10
Ship Equipment corp_deliveries 453,945,678.4 6,495.0 11
Ships corp_deliveries 2,542,553,776.6 2,814,800.0 4x Deacon hull only 98,882,454.1 114,800.0
3x Deluge hull only 729,497,099.5 600,000.0
6x Torrent hull only 1,714,174,223.0 2,100,000.0
Summary (Keepstar ) 3,427,205,386.4 30,235,690.8
BlueprintsReactions 286,040,732,621.0 85.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Blueprints & Reactions 16,500,000,000.0 8.6
Blueprints & Reactions 240,975,732,621.0 53.3
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Blueprints & Reactions 10,420,000,000.0 10.4
Blueprints & Reactions 5,180,000,000.0 10.4
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Blueprints & Reactions 0.0 0.0
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Blueprints & Reactions 3,465,000,000.0 2.3
Cost, ISK
Volume, m³
Blueprints & Reactions 9,500,000,000.0 0.0
Industrial Jobs 40,601,862,673.7 28,357,310.0
Price, ISK
Auto-Integrity Preservation Seal 10800 921,248,100.0
Bantam 120 14,197,924.8
Catalyst 120 145,364,554.8
Core Temperature Regulator 137 1,546,936,861.8
Covetor 30 1,699,046,451.9
Crane 16 2,311,524,512.0
Crow 12 271,539,195.6
Data Analyzer I 600 38,845,518.0
Deep Core Mining Laser I 180 245,327,355.0
Deflection Shield Emitter 20000 798,051,400.0
Deluge 2 486,331,399.6
Expanded Cargohold I 400 2,492,452.0
Fusion Thruster 60000 2,072,787,600.0
Guidance Disruptor I 800 48,912,616.0
Ion Thruster 40000 1,518,358,400.0
Large Shield Extender I 200 15,027,340.0
Life Support Backup Unit 3000 377,697,450.0
Linear Shield Emitter 15000 611,873,700.0
Maller 30 439,741,832.7
Medium Industrial Core I 30 469,487,970.9
Medium Warhead Calefaction Catalyst II 10 81,369,344.3
Mobile Small Warp Disruptor II 50 229,298,266.0
Nanomechanical Microprocessor 20000 980,773,800.0
Nemesis 48 1,053,501,034.6
Oscillator Capacitor Unit 8000 360,569,840.0
Particle Accelerator Unit 40000 948,352,800.0
Photon Microprocessor 20000 880,112,600.0
Plasma Pulse Generator 20000 456,475,400.0
Plasma Thruster 10000 416,385,600.0
Probe 61 32,900,195.7
Prorator 8 1,045,161,149.1
Prototype Cloaking Device I 160 452,968,536.0
Pulse Shield Emitter 20000 796,629,000.0
Radar Sensor Cluster 40000 1,168,182,000.0
Sensor Booster I 600 21,738,432.0
Shield Command Burst I 200 190,509,878.0
Sin 4 4,291,470,383.3
Structure Acceleration Coils 8 1,756,589,011.0
Structure Construction Parts 10 526,875,409.8
Structure Docking Bay 6 327,966,315.8
Structure Electromagnetic Sensor 8 0.0
Structure Repair Facility 6 463,766,582.3
Structure Reprocessing Plant 28 2,373,648,648.6
Structure Storage Bay 18 1,140,279,173.6
Templar I 90 565,125,312.6
Titanium Diborite Armor Plate 220000 2,023,100,200.0
Tungsten Carbide Armor Plate 220000 2,165,794,400.0
Summary 38,784,335,948
Price, ISK
Caesarium Cadmide 63000 453,731,670.0
Hexite 20000 173,025,400.0
Oxy-Organic Solvents 1000 781,156,620.0
Sulfuric Acid 10000 23,168,300.0
Terahertz Metamaterials 19200 312,294,336.0
Titanium Carbide 640000 74,150,400.0
Summary 1,817,526,726