EveUniversity Upwell Palatine Keepstar wiki: https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Upwell Palatine Keepstar
EveMarketer Upwell Palatine Keepstar tradings: https://evemarketer.com/types/40340
EveMarketer Upwell Palatine Keepstar Blueprint tradings: https://evemarketer.com/types/40521
Adam4EVE Upwell Palatine Keepstar manufacturing calculator: https://www.adam4eve.eu/manu_calc.php?typeID=40521
Adam4EVE Upwell Palatine Keepstar price history: https://www.adam4eve.eu/commodity.php?typeID=40340
Adam4EVE Upwell Palatine Keepstar Blueprint price history: https://www.adam4eve.eu/commodity.php?typeID=40521
Efficiency = Required * (100 - material_efficiency - 1 - 4.2) / 100,
where material_efficiency for unknown and unavailable blueprint is 0.
# | Materials | Available + In progress |
Standard | Efficiency | Required (Not enough) |
1 | ├─ Deactivated Station Key Pass | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
2 | ├─ Scotty the Docking Manager's Clone | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
3 | ├─ Janitor | 2,750 | 2,500 | 2,372 | 0 |
4 | ├─ Structure Mission Network | 0 | 4,000 | 3,794 | 3,794 |
4.1 | │ ├─ Self-Harmonizing Power Core | 0 | 18,970 | 16,193 | 16,193 |
4.2 | │ ├─ Wetware Mainframe | 0 | 18,970 | 16,193 | 16,193 |
4.3 | │ ├─ Organic Mortar Applicators | 0 | 37,940 | 32,385 | 32,385 |
4.4 | │ ├─ Recursive Computing Module | 0 | 37,940 | 32,385 | 32,385 |
4.5 | │ ├─ Sterile Conduits | 0 | 37,940 | 32,385 | 32,385 |
4.6 | │ ├─ Broadcast Node | 0 | 56,910 | 48,578 | 48,578 |
4.7 | │ ├─ Nano-Factory | 0 | 56,910 | 48,578 | 48,578 |
4.8 | │ ├─ Megacyte | 0 | 1,707,300 | 1,457,314 | 1,457,314 |
4.9 | │ ├─ Zydrine | 0 | 3,983,700 | 3,400,399 | 3,400,399 |
4.10 | │ ├─ Nocxium | 0 | 8,536,500 | 7,286,569 | 7,286,569 |
4.11 | │ ├─ Isogen | 0 | 45,528,000 | 38,861,700 | 38,861,700 |
4.12 | │ ├─ Mexallon | 0 | 398,370,000 | 340,039,868 | 340,039,868 |
4.13 | │ ├─ Pyerite | 0 | 1,138,200,000 | 971,542,480 | 971,542,480 |
4.14 | │ └─ Tritanium | 0 | 5,691,000,000 | 4,857,712,398 | 4,857,712,398 |
5 | ├─ Structure Electromagnetic Sensor | 0 | 4,000 | 3,794 | 3,794 |
5.1 | │ ├─ Broadcast Node | 0 | 18,970 | 16,193 | 16,193 |
5.2 | │ ├─ Sterile Conduits | 0 | 18,970 | 16,193 | 16,193 |
5.3 | │ ├─ Nano-Factory | 0 | 37,940 | 32,385 | 32,385 |
5.4 | │ ├─ Recursive Computing Module | 0 | 37,940 | 32,385 | 32,385 |
5.5 | │ ├─ Self-Harmonizing Power Core | 0 | 37,940 | 32,385 | 32,385 |
5.6 | │ ├─ Integrity Response Drones | 0 | 56,910 | 48,578 | 48,578 |
5.7 | │ ├─ Wetware Mainframe | 0 | 56,910 | 48,578 | 48,578 |
5.8 | │ ├─ Megacyte | 0 | 1,707,300 | 1,457,314 | 1,457,314 |
5.9 | │ ├─ Zydrine | 0 | 3,983,700 | 3,400,399 | 3,400,399 |
5.10 | │ ├─ Nocxium | 0 | 8,536,500 | 7,286,569 | 7,286,569 |
5.11 | │ ├─ Isogen | 0 | 45,528,000 | 38,861,700 | 38,861,700 |
5.12 | │ ├─ Mexallon | 0 | 398,370,000 | 340,039,868 | 340,039,868 |
5.13 | │ ├─ Pyerite | 0 | 1,138,200,000 | 971,542,480 | 971,542,480 |
5.14 | │ └─ Tritanium | 0 | 5,691,000,000 | 4,857,712,398 | 4,857,712,398 |
6 | ├─ Structure Acceleration Coils | 0 | 4,000 | 3,794 | 3,794 |
6.1 | │ ├─ Broadcast Node | 0 | 18,970 | 16,193 | 16,193 |
6.2 | │ ├─ Sterile Conduits | 0 | 18,970 | 16,193 | 16,193 |
6.3 | │ ├─ Organic Mortar Applicators | 0 | 37,940 | 32,385 | 32,385 |
6.4 | │ ├─ Recursive Computing Module | 0 | 37,940 | 32,385 | 32,385 |
6.5 | │ ├─ Wetware Mainframe | 0 | 37,940 | 32,385 | 32,385 |
6.6 | │ ├─ Integrity Response Drones | 0 | 56,910 | 48,578 | 48,578 |
6.7 | │ ├─ Self-Harmonizing Power Core | 0 | 56,910 | 48,578 | 48,578 |
6.8 | │ ├─ Megacyte | 0 | 1,707,300 | 1,457,314 | 1,457,314 |
6.9 | │ ├─ Zydrine | 0 | 3,983,700 | 3,400,399 | 3,400,399 |
6.10 | │ ├─ Nocxium | 0 | 8,536,500 | 7,286,569 | 7,286,569 |
6.11 | │ ├─ Isogen | 0 | 45,528,000 | 38,861,700 | 38,861,700 |
6.12 | │ ├─ Mexallon | 0 | 398,370,000 | 340,039,868 | 340,039,868 |
6.13 | │ ├─ Pyerite | 0 | 1,138,200,000 | 971,542,480 | 971,542,480 |
6.14 | │ └─ Tritanium | 0 | 5,691,000,000 | 4,857,712,398 | 4,857,712,398 |
7 | ├─ Structure Advertisement Nexus | 0 | 4,000 | 3,794 | 3,794 |
7.1 | │ ├─ Recursive Computing Module | 0 | 18,970 | 16,193 | 16,193 |
7.2 | │ ├─ Self-Harmonizing Power Core | 0 | 18,970 | 16,193 | 16,193 |
7.3 | │ ├─ Wetware Mainframe | 0 | 18,970 | 16,193 | 16,193 |
7.4 | │ ├─ Broadcast Node | 0 | 37,940 | 32,385 | 32,385 |
7.5 | │ ├─ Integrity Response Drones | 0 | 37,940 | 32,385 | 32,385 |
7.6 | │ ├─ Megacyte | 0 | 1,138,200 | 971,543 | 971,543 |
7.7 | │ ├─ Zydrine | 0 | 2,655,800 | 2,266,933 | 2,266,933 |
7.8 | │ ├─ Nocxium | 0 | 5,691,000 | 4,857,713 | 4,857,713 |
7.9 | │ ├─ Isogen | 0 | 30,352,000 | 25,907,800 | 25,907,800 |
7.10 | │ ├─ Mexallon | 0 | 265,580,000 | 226,693,246 | 226,693,246 |
7.11 | │ ├─ Pyerite | 0 | 758,800,000 | 647,694,987 | 647,694,987 |
7.12 | │ └─ Tritanium | 0 | 3,794,000,000 | 3,238,474,932 | 3,238,474,932 |
8 | ├─ Marines | 11,000 | 10,000 | 9,485 | 0 |
9 | ├─ Structure Laboratory | 0 | 40,000 | 37,937 | 37,937 |
9.1 | │ ├─ Nano-Factory | 0 | 189,685 | 161,911 | 161,911 |
9.2 | │ ├─ Recursive Computing Module | 0 | 189,685 | 161,911 | 161,911 |
9.3 | │ ├─ Wetware Mainframe | 0 | 189,685 | 161,911 | 161,911 |
9.4 | │ ├─ Integrity Response Drones | 0 | 379,370 | 323,822 | 323,822 |
9.5 | │ ├─ Sterile Conduits | 0 | 379,370 | 323,822 | 323,822 |
9.6 | │ ├─ Megacyte | 0 | 11,381,100 | 9,714,657 | 9,714,657 |
9.7 | │ ├─ Zydrine | 0 | 26,555,900 | 22,667,533 | 22,667,533 |
9.8 | │ ├─ Nocxium | 0 | 56,905,500 | 48,573,283 | 48,573,283 |
9.9 | │ ├─ Isogen | 0 | 303,496,000 | 259,057,509 | 259,057,509 |
9.10 | │ ├─ Mexallon | 0 | 2,655,590,000 | 2,266,753,202 | 2,266,753,202 |
9.11 | │ ├─ Pyerite | 0 | 7,587,400,000 | 6,476,437,718 | 6,476,437,718 |
9.12 | │ └─ Tritanium | 0 | 37,937,000,000 | 32,382,188,586 | 32,382,188,586 |
10 | ├─ Structure Factory | 0 | 40,000 | 37,937 | 37,937 |
10.1 | │ ├─ Broadcast Node | 0 | 189,685 | 161,911 | 161,911 |
10.2 | │ ├─ Recursive Computing Module | 0 | 189,685 | 161,911 | 161,911 |
10.3 | │ ├─ Self-Harmonizing Power Core | 0 | 189,685 | 161,911 | 161,911 |
10.4 | │ ├─ Nano-Factory | 0 | 379,370 | 323,822 | 323,822 |
10.5 | │ ├─ Organic Mortar Applicators | 0 | 379,370 | 323,822 | 323,822 |
10.6 | │ ├─ Megacyte | 0 | 11,381,100 | 9,714,657 | 9,714,657 |
10.7 | │ ├─ Zydrine | 0 | 26,555,900 | 22,667,533 | 22,667,533 |
10.8 | │ ├─ Nocxium | 0 | 56,905,500 | 48,573,283 | 48,573,283 |
10.9 | │ ├─ Isogen | 0 | 303,496,000 | 259,057,509 | 259,057,509 |
10.10 | │ ├─ Mexallon | 0 | 2,655,590,000 | 2,266,753,202 | 2,266,753,202 |
10.11 | │ ├─ Pyerite | 0 | 7,587,400,000 | 6,476,437,718 | 6,476,437,718 |
10.12 | │ └─ Tritanium | 0 | 37,937,000,000 | 32,382,188,586 | 32,382,188,586 |
11 | ├─ Structure Reprocessing Plant | 0 | 40,000 | 37,937 | 37,937 |
11.1 | │ ├─ Nano-Factory | 0 | 189,685 | 161,911 | 161,911 |
11.2 | │ ├─ Sterile Conduits | 0 | 189,685 | 161,911 | 161,911 |
11.3 | │ ├─ Wetware Mainframe | 0 | 189,685 | 161,911 | 161,911 |
11.4 | │ ├─ Organic Mortar Applicators | 0 | 379,370 | 323,822 | 323,822 |
11.5 | │ ├─ Self-Harmonizing Power Core | 0 | 379,370 | 323,822 | 323,822 |
11.6 | │ ├─ Megacyte | 0 | 11,381,100 | 9,714,657 | 9,714,657 |
11.7 | │ ├─ Zydrine | 0 | 26,555,900 | 22,667,533 | 22,667,533 |
11.8 | │ ├─ Nocxium | 0 | 56,905,500 | 48,573,283 | 48,573,283 |
11.9 | │ ├─ Isogen | 0 | 303,496,000 | 259,057,509 | 259,057,509 |
11.10 | │ ├─ Mexallon | 0 | 2,655,590,000 | 2,266,753,202 | 2,266,753,202 |
11.11 | │ ├─ Pyerite | 0 | 7,587,400,000 | 6,476,437,718 | 6,476,437,718 |
11.12 | │ └─ Tritanium | 0 | 37,937,000,000 | 32,382,188,586 | 32,382,188,586 |
12 | ├─ Structure Construction Parts | 0 | 100,000 | 94,842 | 94,842 |
12.1 | │ ├─ Integrity Response Drones | 0 | 284,526 | 242,866 | 242,866 |
12.2 | │ ├─ Recursive Computing Module | 0 | 284,526 | 242,866 | 242,866 |
12.3 | │ ├─ Self-Harmonizing Power Core | 0 | 284,526 | 242,866 | 242,866 |
12.4 | │ ├─ Sterile Conduits | 0 | 284,526 | 242,866 | 242,866 |
12.5 | │ ├─ Nano-Factory | 0 | 474,210 | 404,776 | 404,776 |
12.6 | │ ├─ Organic Mortar Applicators | 0 | 474,210 | 404,776 | 404,776 |
12.7 | │ ├─ Megacyte | 0 | 14,226,300 | 12,143,257 | 12,143,257 |
12.8 | │ ├─ Zydrine | 0 | 33,194,700 | 28,334,266 | 28,334,266 |
12.9 | │ ├─ Nocxium | 0 | 71,131,500 | 60,716,284 | 60,716,284 |
12.10 | │ ├─ Isogen | 0 | 379,368,000 | 323,820,179 | 323,820,179 |
12.11 | │ ├─ Mexallon | 0 | 3,319,470,000 | 2,833,426,564 | 2,833,426,564 |
12.12 | │ ├─ Pyerite | 0 | 9,484,200,000 | 8,095,504,468 | 8,095,504,468 |
12.13 | │ └─ Tritanium | 0 | 47,421,000,000 | 40,477,522,338 | 40,477,522,338 |
13 | ├─ Structure Hangar Array | 0 | 100,000 | 94,842 | 94,842 |
13.1 | │ ├─ Broadcast Node | 0 | 284,526 | 242,866 | 242,866 |
13.2 | │ ├─ Recursive Computing Module | 0 | 284,526 | 242,866 | 242,866 |
13.3 | │ ├─ Self-Harmonizing Power Core | 0 | 284,526 | 242,866 | 242,866 |
13.4 | │ ├─ Sterile Conduits | 0 | 284,526 | 242,866 | 242,866 |
13.5 | │ ├─ Nano-Factory | 0 | 474,210 | 404,776 | 404,776 |
13.6 | │ ├─ Wetware Mainframe | 0 | 474,210 | 404,776 | 404,776 |
13.7 | │ ├─ Megacyte | 0 | 14,226,300 | 12,143,257 | 12,143,257 |
13.8 | │ ├─ Zydrine | 0 | 33,194,700 | 28,334,266 | 28,334,266 |
13.9 | │ ├─ Nocxium | 0 | 71,131,500 | 60,716,284 | 60,716,284 |
13.10 | │ ├─ Isogen | 0 | 379,368,000 | 323,820,179 | 323,820,179 |
13.11 | │ ├─ Mexallon | 0 | 3,319,470,000 | 2,833,426,564 | 2,833,426,564 |
13.12 | │ ├─ Pyerite | 0 | 9,484,200,000 | 8,095,504,468 | 8,095,504,468 |
13.13 | │ └─ Tritanium | 0 | 47,421,000,000 | 40,477,522,338 | 40,477,522,338 |
14 | ├─ Structure Storage Bay | 0 | 100,000 | 94,842 | 94,842 |
14.1 | │ ├─ Integrity Response Drones | 0 | 284,526 | 242,866 | 242,866 |
14.2 | │ ├─ Nano-Factory | 0 | 284,526 | 242,866 | 242,866 |
14.3 | │ ├─ Organic Mortar Applicators | 0 | 284,526 | 242,866 | 242,866 |
14.4 | │ ├─ Sterile Conduits | 0 | 284,526 | 242,866 | 242,866 |
14.5 | │ ├─ Broadcast Node | 0 | 474,210 | 404,776 | 404,776 |
14.6 | │ ├─ Wetware Mainframe | 0 | 474,210 | 404,776 | 404,776 |
14.7 | │ ├─ Megacyte | 0 | 14,226,300 | 12,143,257 | 12,143,257 |
14.8 | │ ├─ Zydrine | 0 | 33,194,700 | 28,334,266 | 28,334,266 |
14.9 | │ ├─ Nocxium | 0 | 71,131,500 | 60,716,284 | 60,716,284 |
14.10 | │ ├─ Isogen | 0 | 379,368,000 | 323,820,179 | 323,820,179 |
14.11 | │ ├─ Mexallon | 0 | 3,319,470,000 | 2,833,426,564 | 2,833,426,564 |
14.12 | │ ├─ Pyerite | 0 | 9,484,200,000 | 8,095,504,468 | 8,095,504,468 |
14.13 | │ └─ Tritanium | 0 | 47,421,000,000 | 40,477,522,338 | 40,477,522,338 |
15 | ├─ Structure Repair Facility | 0 | 100,000 | 94,842 | 94,842 |
15.1 | │ ├─ Integrity Response Drones | 0 | 284,526 | 242,866 | 242,866 |
15.2 | │ ├─ Organic Mortar Applicators | 0 | 284,526 | 242,866 | 242,866 |
15.3 | │ ├─ Recursive Computing Module | 0 | 284,526 | 242,866 | 242,866 |
15.4 | │ ├─ Self-Harmonizing Power Core | 0 | 284,526 | 242,866 | 242,866 |
15.5 | │ ├─ Nano-Factory | 0 | 474,210 | 404,776 | 404,776 |
15.6 | │ ├─ Sterile Conduits | 0 | 474,210 | 404,776 | 404,776 |
15.7 | │ ├─ Megacyte | 0 | 14,226,300 | 12,143,257 | 12,143,257 |
15.8 | │ ├─ Zydrine | 0 | 33,194,700 | 28,334,266 | 28,334,266 |
15.9 | │ ├─ Nocxium | 0 | 71,131,500 | 60,716,284 | 60,716,284 |
15.10 | │ ├─ Isogen | 0 | 379,368,000 | 323,820,179 | 323,820,179 |
15.11 | │ ├─ Mexallon | 0 | 3,319,470,000 | 2,833,426,564 | 2,833,426,564 |
15.12 | │ ├─ Pyerite | 0 | 9,484,200,000 | 8,095,504,468 | 8,095,504,468 |
15.13 | │ └─ Tritanium | 0 | 47,421,000,000 | 40,477,522,338 | 40,477,522,338 |
16 | ├─ Structure Docking Bay | 0 | 100,000 | 94,842 | 94,842 |
16.1 | │ ├─ Broadcast Node | 0 | 284,526 | 242,866 | 242,866 |
16.2 | │ ├─ Integrity Response Drones | 0 | 284,526 | 242,866 | 242,866 |
16.3 | │ ├─ Organic Mortar Applicators | 0 | 284,526 | 242,866 | 242,866 |
16.4 | │ ├─ Wetware Mainframe | 0 | 284,526 | 242,866 | 242,866 |
16.5 | │ ├─ Recursive Computing Module | 0 | 474,210 | 404,776 | 404,776 |
16.6 | │ ├─ Self-Harmonizing Power Core | 0 | 474,210 | 404,776 | 404,776 |
16.7 | │ ├─ Megacyte | 0 | 14,226,300 | 12,143,257 | 12,143,257 |
16.8 | │ ├─ Zydrine | 0 | 33,194,700 | 28,334,266 | 28,334,266 |
16.9 | │ ├─ Nocxium | 0 | 71,131,500 | 60,716,284 | 60,716,284 |
16.10 | │ ├─ Isogen | 0 | 379,368,000 | 323,820,179 | 323,820,179 |
16.11 | │ ├─ Mexallon | 0 | 3,319,470,000 | 2,833,426,564 | 2,833,426,564 |
16.12 | │ ├─ Pyerite | 0 | 9,484,200,000 | 8,095,504,468 | 8,095,504,468 |
16.13 | │ └─ Tritanium | 0 | 47,421,000,000 | 40,477,522,338 | 40,477,522,338 |
17 | ├─ Structure Medical Center | 0 | 100,000 | 94,842 | 94,842 |
17.1 | │ ├─ Broadcast Node | 0 | 284,526 | 242,866 | 242,866 |
17.2 | │ ├─ Recursive Computing Module | 0 | 284,526 | 242,866 | 242,866 |
17.3 | │ ├─ Self-Harmonizing Power Core | 0 | 284,526 | 242,866 | 242,866 |
17.4 | │ ├─ Sterile Conduits | 0 | 284,526 | 242,866 | 242,866 |
17.5 | │ ├─ Integrity Response Drones | 0 | 474,210 | 404,776 | 404,776 |
17.6 | │ ├─ Wetware Mainframe | 0 | 474,210 | 404,776 | 404,776 |
17.7 | │ ├─ Megacyte | 0 | 14,226,300 | 12,143,257 | 12,143,257 |
17.8 | │ ├─ Zydrine | 0 | 33,194,700 | 28,334,266 | 28,334,266 |
17.9 | │ ├─ Nocxium | 0 | 71,131,500 | 60,716,284 | 60,716,284 |
17.10 | │ ├─ Isogen | 0 | 379,368,000 | 323,820,179 | 323,820,179 |
17.11 | │ ├─ Mexallon | 0 | 3,319,470,000 | 2,833,426,564 | 2,833,426,564 |
17.12 | │ ├─ Pyerite | 0 | 9,484,200,000 | 8,095,504,468 | 8,095,504,468 |
17.13 | │ └─ Tritanium | 0 | 47,421,000,000 | 40,477,522,338 | 40,477,522,338 |
18 | ├─ Structure Office Center | 0 | 100,000 | 94,842 | 94,842 |
18.1 | │ ├─ Integrity Response Drones | 0 | 284,526 | 242,866 | 242,866 |
18.2 | │ ├─ Recursive Computing Module | 0 | 284,526 | 242,866 | 242,866 |
18.3 | │ ├─ Self-Harmonizing Power Core | 0 | 284,526 | 242,866 | 242,866 |
18.4 | │ ├─ Sterile Conduits | 0 | 284,526 | 242,866 | 242,866 |
18.5 | │ ├─ Broadcast Node | 0 | 474,210 | 404,776 | 404,776 |
18.6 | │ ├─ Organic Mortar Applicators | 0 | 474,210 | 404,776 | 404,776 |
18.7 | │ ├─ Megacyte | 0 | 14,226,300 | 12,143,257 | 12,143,257 |
18.8 | │ ├─ Zydrine | 0 | 33,194,700 | 28,334,266 | 28,334,266 |
18.9 | │ ├─ Nocxium | 0 | 71,131,500 | 60,716,284 | 60,716,284 |
18.10 | │ ├─ Isogen | 0 | 379,368,000 | 323,820,179 | 323,820,179 |
18.11 | │ ├─ Mexallon | 0 | 3,319,470,000 | 2,833,426,564 | 2,833,426,564 |
18.12 | │ ├─ Pyerite | 0 | 9,484,200,000 | 8,095,504,468 | 8,095,504,468 |
18.13 | │ └─ Tritanium | 0 | 47,421,000,000 | 40,477,522,338 | 40,477,522,338 |
19 | ├─ Structure Market Network | 0 | 400,000 | 379,368 | 379,368 |
19.1 | │ ├─ Recursive Computing Module | 0 | 1,896,840 | 1,619,101 | 1,619,101 |
19.2 | │ ├─ Self-Harmonizing Power Core | 0 | 1,896,840 | 1,619,101 | 1,619,101 |
19.3 | │ ├─ Nano-Factory | 0 | 3,793,680 | 3,238,202 | 3,238,202 |
19.4 | │ ├─ Organic Mortar Applicators | 0 | 3,793,680 | 3,238,202 | 3,238,202 |
19.5 | │ ├─ Wetware Mainframe | 0 | 3,793,680 | 3,238,202 | 3,238,202 |
19.6 | │ ├─ Broadcast Node | 0 | 5,690,520 | 4,857,303 | 4,857,303 |
19.7 | │ ├─ Sterile Conduits | 0 | 5,690,520 | 4,857,303 | 4,857,303 |
19.8 | │ ├─ Megacyte | 0 | 170,715,600 | 145,719,081 | 145,719,081 |
19.9 | │ ├─ Zydrine | 0 | 398,336,400 | 340,011,188 | 340,011,188 |
19.10 | │ ├─ Nocxium | 0 | 853,578,000 | 728,595,403 | 728,595,403 |
19.11 | │ ├─ Isogen | 0 | 4,552,416,000 | 3,885,842,145 | 3,885,842,145 |
19.12 | │ ├─ Mexallon | 0 | 39,833,640,000 | 34,001,118,764 | 34,001,118,764 |
19.13 | │ ├─ Pyerite | 0 | 113,810,400,000 | 97,146,053,612 | 97,146,053,612 |
19.14 | │ └─ Tritanium | 0 | 569,052,000,000 | 485,730,268,056 | 485,730,268,056 |
20 | ├─ Spiced Wine | 500,000 | 500,000 | 474,210 | 0 |
21 | ├─ Holoreels | 500,000 | 500,000 | 474,210 | 0 |
22 | ├─ Frozen Food | 500,000 | 500,000 | 474,210 | 0 |
23 | └─ Small Arms | 0 | 500,000 | 474,210 | 474,210 |
The number of Minerals and Components is considered based on the presence of aseets in container(s) CorpDeliveries, CorpDeliveries.
The number of Blueprints is considered based on the presence of blueprints in container(s) CorpDeliveries, CorpDeliveries.
Generated Wed, 18 Sep 2024 12:19:24 +0300
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