Capacity: 54.7%

Monthly Scheduled Jobs

3000x Infiltrator II obsolete3,000
300x Micro Auxiliary Power Core obsolete300
50x Hawk obsolete50
200x 100MN Afterburner II200
800x 10MN Afterburner II800
480x 1400mm Howitzer Artillery II480
1300x 150mm Railgun II1,300
680x 1600mm Steel Plates II680
800x 1MN Afterburner II800
800x 200mm AutoCannon II800
300x 200mm Railgun II300
480x 220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II480
1600x 250mm Railgun II1,600
300x 280mm Howitzer Artillery II300
550x 425mm AutoCannon II550
260x 425mm Railgun II260
100x 500MN Microwarpdrive II100
400x 50MN Microwarpdrive II400
600x 5MN Microwarpdrive II600
500x 720mm Howitzer Artillery II500
200x 75mm Gatling Rail II200
520x 800mm Repeating Cannon II520
160x 800mm Steel Plates II160
5000x Acolyte II5,000
100x Ares100
120x Auto Targeting System II120
5000x Ballistic Control System II5,000
50000x Barrage XL50,000
1000x Berserker II1,000
24x Bustard24
1700x Cap Recharger II1,700
800x Capacitor Flux Coil II800
1100x Capacitor Power Relay II1,100
300x Cargo Scanner II300
800x Co-Processor II800
200x Core Probe Launcher II200
5400x Covert Ops Cloaking Device II5,400
32x Crane32
50x Crow50
700x Cruise Missile Launcher II700
6600x Damage Control II6,600
210x Data Analyzer II210
8000x Drone Damage Amplifier II8,000
2000x Drone Link Augmentor II2,000
800x Drone Navigation Computer II800
200x Dual 180mm AutoCannon II200
790x EM Shield Hardener II790
950x Entropic Radiation Sink II950
50x Enyo50
7600x Expanded Cargohold II7,600
120x Fighter Support Unit II120
150x Gas Cloud Harvester II150
160x Guidance Disruptor II160
2000x Gyrostabilizer II2,000
600000x Hail XL600,000
4000x Hammerhead II4,000
50x Harpy50
1400x Heat Sink II1,400
1220x Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II1,220
500x Heavy Beam Laser II500
200x Heavy Capacitor Booster II200
200x Heavy Electron Blaster II200
240x Heavy Energy Neutralizer II240
60x Heavy Energy Nosferatu II60
350x Heavy Ion Blaster II350
1200x Heavy Missile Launcher II1,200
780x Heavy Neutron Blaster II780
460x Heavy Pulse Laser II460
200x Heavy Stasis Grappler II200
7000x Hobgoblin II7,000
5000x Hornet II5,000
30x Hulk30
150x Ice Harvester II150
12x Impel12
1200x Improved Cloaking Device II1,200
6000x Inertial Stabilizers II6,000
120x Information Command Burst II120
80x Ion Blaster Cannon II80
200x Large Armor Repairer II200
430x Large Cap Battery II430
300x Large Capacitor Control Circuit II300
60x Large Core Defense Field Extender II60
60x Large Core Defense Field Purger II60
110x Large Drone Mining Augmentor II110
110x Large EM Shield Reinforcer II110
40x Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II40
420x Large Remote Armor Repairer II420
230x Large Remote Capacitor Transmitter II230
270x Large Shield Booster II270
4000x Large Shield Extender II4,000
70x Large Transverse Bulkhead II70
400x Light Electron Blaster II400
700x Light Ion Blaster II700
1900x Light Missile Launcher II1,900
4000x Light Neutron Blaster II4,000
30x Mackinaw30
3600x Magnetic Field Stabilizer II3,600
50x Manticore50
16x Mastodon16
500x Medium Ancillary Current Router II500
740x Medium Armor Repairer II740
160x Medium Auxiliary Nano Pump II160
316x Medium Cap Battery II316
300x Medium Capacitor Booster II300
520x Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II520
260x Medium Cargohold Optimization II260
930x Medium Core Defense Field Extender II930
520x Medium Core Defense Field Purger II520
60x Medium Core Defense Operational Solidifier II60
90x Medium Drone Mining Augmentor II90
800x Medium EM Shield Reinforcer II800
110x Medium Energy Locus Coordinator II110
370x Medium Energy Neutralizer II370
140x Medium Energy Nosferatu II140
100x Medium Explosive Armor Reinforcer II100
100x Medium Hydraulic Bay Thrusters II100
340x Medium Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II340
120x Medium Kinetic Shield Reinforcer II120
190x Medium Low Friction Nozzle Joints II190
180x Medium Polycarbon Engine Housing II180
220x Medium Remote Armor Repairer II220
60x Medium Salvage Tackle II60
70x Medium Semiconductor Memory Cell II70
60x Medium Thermal Armor Reinforcer II60
500x Medium Thermal Shield Reinforcer II500
260x Medium Transverse Bulkhead II260
500x Medium Trimark Armor Pump II500
350x Mega Pulse Laser II350
400x Micro Auxiliary Power Core II400
400x Miner II400
2000x Mining Drone II2,000
800x Missile Guidance Computer II800
310x Missile Guidance Enhancer II310
870x Modulated Strip Miner II870
800x Multispectrum Coating II800
4400x Multispectrum Shield Hardener II4,400
4200x Nanofiber Internal Structure II4,200
50x Nemesis50
490x Neutron Blaster Cannon II490
100000x Null XL100,000
40x Occator40
1500x Ogre II1,500
400x Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer II400
400x Omnidirectional Tracking Link II400
1200x Power Diagnostic System II1,200
1500x Praetor II1,500
12x Prorator12
20x Prowler20
100x Purifier100
600x Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher II600
3000x Rapid Light Missile Launcher II3,000
560x Reactor Control Unit II560
1200x Reinforced Bulkheads II1,200
620x Relic Analyzer II620
120x Remote Sensor Booster II120
600x Remote Sensor Dampener II600
100x Retribution100
800x Rocket Launcher II800
100x Sabre100
410x Salvager II410
90x Scan Pinpointing Array II90
150x Scan Rangefinding Array II150
2000x Sensor Booster II2,000
100x Shield Flux Coil II100
500x Shield Power Relay II500
200x Shield Recharger II200
100x Ship Scanner II100
400x Signal Amplifier II400
30x Skiff30
400x Small Ancillary Current Router II400
300x Small Armor Repairer II300
180x Small Auxiliary Nano Pump II180
280x Small Cap Battery II280
620x Small Capacitor Booster II620
320x Small Capacitor Control Circuit II320
500x Small Core Defense Field Extender II500
550x Small EM Shield Reinforcer II550
520x Small Energy Neutralizer II520
290x Small Energy Nosferatu II290
500x Small Focused Beam Laser II500
500x Small Focused Pulse Laser II500
1200x Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II1,200
600x Small Low Friction Nozzle Joints II600
500x Small Polycarbon Engine Housing II500
280x Small Tractor Beam II280
800x Small Transverse Bulkhead II800
230x Small Trimark Armor Pump II230
3200x Stasis Webifier II3,200
400x Survey Scanner II400
160x Tachyon Beam Laser II160
600x Target Painter II600
350x Thermal Shield Hardener II350
420x Torpedo Launcher II420
1200x Tracking Computer II1,200
400x Tracking Disruptor II400
950x Tracking Enhancer II950
3000x Valkyrie II3,000
3000x Vespa II3,000
36x Viator36
40x Warp Disruption Field Generator II40
4800x Warp Disruptor II4,800
4800x Warp Scrambler II4,800
10000x Warrior II10,000
1500x Wasp II1,500

Missing Blueprints

Ammunition & Charges
1x Barrage XL Blueprint0
12x Hail XL Blueprint0
2x Null XL Blueprint0
500x Acolyte II Blueprint0
100x Berserker II Blueprint0
400x Hammerhead II Blueprint0
700x Hobgoblin II Blueprint0
500x Hornet II Blueprint0
200x Mining Drone II Blueprint0
150x Ogre II Blueprint0
150x Praetor II Blueprint0
300x Valkyrie II Blueprint0
300x Vespa II Blueprint0
1000x Warrior II Blueprint0
150x Wasp II Blueprint0
Ship Equipment
20x 100MN Afterburner II Blueprint0
80x 10MN Afterburner II Blueprint0
48x 1400mm Howitzer Artillery II Blueprint0
130x 150mm Railgun II Blueprint0
68x 1600mm Steel Plates II Blueprint0
80x 1MN Afterburner II Blueprint0
80x 200mm AutoCannon II Blueprint0
30x 200mm Railgun II Blueprint0
48x 220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II Blueprint0
160x 250mm Railgun II Blueprint0
30x 280mm Howitzer Artillery II Blueprint0
55x 425mm AutoCannon II Blueprint0
26x 425mm Railgun II Blueprint0
10x 500MN Microwarpdrive II Blueprint0
40x 50MN Microwarpdrive II Blueprint0
60x 5MN Microwarpdrive II Blueprint0
50x 720mm Howitzer Artillery II Blueprint0
20x 75mm Gatling Rail II Blueprint0
52x 800mm Repeating Cannon II Blueprint0
16x 800mm Steel Plates II Blueprint0
12x Auto Targeting System II Blueprint0
500x Ballistic Control System II Blueprint0
170x Cap Recharger II Blueprint0
80x Capacitor Flux Coil II Blueprint0
110x Capacitor Power Relay II Blueprint0
30x Cargo Scanner II Blueprint0
80x Co-Processor II Blueprint0
20x Core Probe Launcher II Blueprint0
540x Covert Ops Cloaking Device II Blueprint0
70x Cruise Missile Launcher II Blueprint0
660x Damage Control II Blueprint0
21x Data Analyzer II Blueprint0
800x Drone Damage Amplifier II Blueprint0
200x Drone Link Augmentor II Blueprint0
80x Drone Navigation Computer II Blueprint0
20x Dual 180mm AutoCannon II Blueprint0
79x EM Shield Hardener II Blueprint0
95x Entropic Radiation Sink II Blueprint0
760x Expanded Cargohold II Blueprint0
12x Fighter Support Unit II Blueprint0
15x Gas Cloud Harvester II Blueprint0
16x Guidance Disruptor II Blueprint0
200x Gyrostabilizer II Blueprint0
140x Heat Sink II Blueprint0
122x Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II Blueprint0
50x Heavy Beam Laser II Blueprint0
20x Heavy Capacitor Booster II Blueprint0
20x Heavy Electron Blaster II Blueprint0
24x Heavy Energy Neutralizer II Blueprint0
6x Heavy Energy Nosferatu II Blueprint0
35x Heavy Ion Blaster II Blueprint0
120x Heavy Missile Launcher II Blueprint0
78x Heavy Neutron Blaster II Blueprint0
46x Heavy Pulse Laser II Blueprint0
20x Heavy Stasis Grappler II Blueprint0
15x Ice Harvester II Blueprint0
120x Improved Cloaking Device II Blueprint0
600x Inertial Stabilizers II Blueprint0
12x Information Command Burst II Blueprint0
8x Ion Blaster Cannon II Blueprint0
20x Large Armor Repairer II Blueprint0
43x Large Cap Battery II Blueprint0
42x Large Remote Armor Repairer II Blueprint0
23x Large Remote Capacitor Transmitter II Blueprint0
27x Large Shield Booster II Blueprint0
400x Large Shield Extender II Blueprint0
40x Light Electron Blaster II Blueprint0
70x Light Ion Blaster II Blueprint0
190x Light Missile Launcher II Blueprint0
400x Light Neutron Blaster II Blueprint0
360x Magnetic Field Stabilizer II Blueprint0
74x Medium Armor Repairer II Blueprint0
32x Medium Cap Battery II Blueprint0
30x Medium Capacitor Booster II Blueprint0
37x Medium Energy Neutralizer II Blueprint0
14x Medium Energy Nosferatu II Blueprint0
22x Medium Remote Armor Repairer II Blueprint0
35x Mega Pulse Laser II Blueprint0
40x Micro Auxiliary Power Core II Blueprint0
40x Miner II Blueprint0
80x Missile Guidance Computer II Blueprint0
31x Missile Guidance Enhancer II Blueprint0
87x Modulated Strip Miner II Blueprint0
80x Multispectrum Coating II Blueprint0
440x Multispectrum Shield Hardener II Blueprint0
420x Nanofiber Internal Structure II Blueprint0
49x Neutron Blaster Cannon II Blueprint0
40x Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer II Blueprint0
40x Omnidirectional Tracking Link II Blueprint0
120x Power Diagnostic System II Blueprint0
60x Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher II Blueprint0
300x Rapid Light Missile Launcher II Blueprint0
56x Reactor Control Unit II Blueprint0
120x Reinforced Bulkheads II Blueprint0
62x Relic Analyzer II Blueprint0
12x Remote Sensor Booster II Blueprint0
60x Remote Sensor Dampener II Blueprint0
80x Rocket Launcher II Blueprint0
41x Salvager II Blueprint0
9x Scan Pinpointing Array II Blueprint0
15x Scan Rangefinding Array II Blueprint0
200x Sensor Booster II Blueprint0
10x Shield Flux Coil II Blueprint0
50x Shield Power Relay II Blueprint0
20x Shield Recharger II Blueprint0
10x Ship Scanner II Blueprint0
40x Signal Amplifier II Blueprint0
30x Small Armor Repairer II Blueprint0
28x Small Cap Battery II Blueprint0
62x Small Capacitor Booster II Blueprint0
52x Small Energy Neutralizer II Blueprint0
29x Small Energy Nosferatu II Blueprint0
50x Small Focused Beam Laser II Blueprint0
50x Small Focused Pulse Laser II Blueprint0
28x Small Tractor Beam II Blueprint0
320x Stasis Webifier II Blueprint0
40x Survey Scanner II Blueprint0
16x Tachyon Beam Laser II Blueprint0
60x Target Painter II Blueprint0
35x Thermal Shield Hardener II Blueprint0
42x Torpedo Launcher II Blueprint0
120x Tracking Computer II Blueprint0
40x Tracking Disruptor II Blueprint0
95x Tracking Enhancer II Blueprint0
4x Warp Disruption Field Generator II Blueprint0
480x Warp Disruptor II Blueprint0
480x Warp Scrambler II Blueprint0
Ship and Module Modifications
100x Large Capacitor Control Circuit II Blueprint0
20x Large Core Defense Field Extender II Blueprint0
20x Large Core Defense Field Purger II Blueprint0
37x Large Drone Mining Augmentor II Blueprint0
37x Large EM Shield Reinforcer II Blueprint0
14x Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II Blueprint0
24x Large Transverse Bulkhead II Blueprint0
167x Medium Ancillary Current Router II Blueprint0
54x Medium Auxiliary Nano Pump II Blueprint0
174x Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II Blueprint0
87x Medium Cargohold Optimization II Blueprint0
310x Medium Core Defense Field Extender II Blueprint0
174x Medium Core Defense Field Purger II Blueprint0
20x Medium Core Defense Operational Solidifier II Blueprint0
30x Medium Drone Mining Augmentor II Blueprint0
267x Medium EM Shield Reinforcer II Blueprint0
37x Medium Energy Locus Coordinator II Blueprint0
34x Medium Explosive Armor Reinforcer II Blueprint0
34x Medium Hydraulic Bay Thrusters II Blueprint0
114x Medium Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II Blueprint0
40x Medium Kinetic Shield Reinforcer II Blueprint0
64x Medium Low Friction Nozzle Joints II Blueprint0
60x Medium Polycarbon Engine Housing II Blueprint0
20x Medium Salvage Tackle II Blueprint0
24x Medium Semiconductor Memory Cell II Blueprint0
20x Medium Thermal Armor Reinforcer II Blueprint0
167x Medium Thermal Shield Reinforcer II Blueprint0
87x Medium Transverse Bulkhead II Blueprint0
167x Medium Trimark Armor Pump II Blueprint0
134x Small Ancillary Current Router II Blueprint0
60x Small Auxiliary Nano Pump II Blueprint0
107x Small Capacitor Control Circuit II Blueprint0
167x Small Core Defense Field Extender II Blueprint0
184x Small EM Shield Reinforcer II Blueprint0
400x Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II Blueprint0
200x Small Low Friction Nozzle Joints II Blueprint0
167x Small Polycarbon Engine Housing II Blueprint0
267x Small Transverse Bulkhead II Blueprint0
77x Small Trimark Armor Pump II Blueprint0
25x Ares Blueprint0
6x Bustard Blueprint0
8x Crane Blueprint0
13x Crow Blueprint0
13x Enyo Blueprint0
13x Harpy Blueprint0
8x Hulk Blueprint0
3x Impel Blueprint0
8x Mackinaw Blueprint0
13x Manticore Blueprint0
4x Mastodon Blueprint0
13x Nemesis Blueprint0
10x Occator Blueprint0
3x Prorator Blueprint0
5x Prowler Blueprint0
25x Purifier Blueprint0
25x Retribution Blueprint0
25x Sabre Blueprint0
8x Skiff Blueprint0
9x Viator Blueprint0

Overplus Blueprints


Rorqual 40 warnings problems - 40x Rorqual ships added into the list of monthly jobs, and some problems and warnings detected with items of the Rorqual' fit.

2x Multispectrum Energized Membrane II renamed - some outdated item found in the fit and converted to a more suitable variant. For example, obsolete Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II could be renamed to Multispectrum Energized Membrane II.

1x Crimson Cerebral Accelerator obsolete - some unknown or very outdated item found in the fit.
3x Small Gremlin Compact Energy Neutralizer suppressed - some suppressed item found in the fit (the item has already been renamed or is no longer in use, or publication discontinued).

Generated Tue, 22 Oct 2024 14:59:12 +0300

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EVE Online and the EVE logo are the registered trademarks of CCP hf. All rights are reserved worldwide. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. EVE Online, the EVE logo, EVE and all associated logos and designs are the intellectual property of CCP hf. All artwork, screenshots, characters, vehicles, storylines, world facts or other recognizable features of the intellectual property relating to these trademarks are likewise the intellectual property of CCP hf.